
A collection of publications written by Atkinson Centre team members, in addition to important articles, documents and reports related to early learning and child care.


Policy Monitor #1 - A response to the Government of Ontario on the Best Start Child and Family Centre Consultation

Excerpt: "If there was one thing the government could do right now for children and families in Ontario, what could that be? ....We have an opportunity to build a foundation for services for children and their families – but that means making a radical move toward something different and innovative. It means moving away from the rhetoric of business as usual, working within the silos that fit like an old sweater but are starting to smell a little mouldy."

The Cost-Benefits of Ontario's Early Learning Program

Robert Fairholm, a director of the Centre for Spatial Economics (CSE), brings his 20 years of experience in economic analysis, modeling and forecasting to quantify the benefits of new public spending on young children revealing some startling findings.

Building bridges: Queer families in early childhood education

The Building Bridges Handbook is a detailed resource guide developed in order to begin the discussion of what lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) families need in early childhood environments. The handbook briefly outlines LGBTQ terminology and history. The majority of the handbook examines the experiences of children of LGBTQ families in Early Childhood Education (ECE) environments. The handbook contains detailed suggestions for integrating LGBTQ families into ECE curriculum.