ࡱ>  bjbj Poo J J     $/___P'`d`</uDaaaaab&b buuuuuuuxv{8u9 bbbbbu,d  aaJu,d,d,db a au,dbu,d,dph  q_cqq4`u0uq{,d{ q,d qbbb//$="//=J :    Lesson Plan Template PLANNING THE LESSON/SUBTASK: Part 1 Date: _________________________________________ Grade: _________________ Timeframe (time available): _______ Curriculum Area: ______________________________ Title of Unit (if appropriate): _______________________________Context: Where does this lesson fit into your overall unit planning introductory, middle, culminating? (Prior Knowledge?)Curriculum Expectations: Academic SocialBig Ideas:Connections to Equity, Diversity, And Social Justice:Cross Curricular Connections Connections to Students lives: (local/global) Assessment: Diagnostic (assessment for learning) ___ Formative (assessment for/as learning) ____ Summative (assessment of learning) ___  Observation  Learning Log/Journal  Presentation/Performance  Anecdotal Notes  Self-assessment Audio/Video/Technological Presentation Work Samples  Peer-assessment  Project  Interview/Conference  Personal Reflection  Rubric  Checklist  Rubric  Oral Reports  Other  Presentation/Performance  Published Work  Graphic Organizers Accommodations and/or Modifications / Differentiated Instruction: Instructional Environmental Assessment Increase/Decrease time, amount  Scribe for student  Extend  Use manipulatives  Peer tutor/Partner  Oral explanation  Include visuals, models, organizers Change space, seating, quiet area  Change grouping  Wheelchair access  Use a tape recorder  Draw a picture  Scribe for student  Act it out  Write using spell check  Use the computer Modifications for: _______________________________________________________________ (name(s) of students). Materials/Resources: Teacher Resources Human Resources Student Materials Equipment BLM 5.12 Lesson Plan Template #1 (Contd) DELIVERING THE LESSON/SUBTASK - Part 2 *Grouping: W = Whole class; S = Small group; I = IndependentTimingGroupingMental Set (hook): Materials/ ResourcesWSISharing the Purpose/Objectives (in student language) Body: Input, Modeling, Check for Understanding, Guided Practice, Independent Practice  Bloom's Taxonomy: __Remembering __Understanding __Applying __Analyzing __Evaluating __Creating Learning Styles: __Visual __Auditory __Kinesthetic Multiple Intelligences: __Verbal/Linguistic __Logical/ Mathematical __Musical/ Rhythmic __Body/ Kinesthetic __Visual/Spacial __Interpersonal __Intrapersonal __Naturalist __ExistentialClosure (sharing the learning in some way): Homework/ Reminders: Reflections: Include Successes, Challenges, Changes, Next steps. Lesson Plan Template (no boxes) PLANNING THE LESSON - Part 1 Date: Grade: Timeframe (time available): Curriculum Area: Title of Unit (if appropriate): Context: Learning Expectations: Academic: Social (optional): Big Ideas: Connections to Equity, Diversity, and Social Justice: Cross-curricular connections/Connections to students lives (local/global): Assessment: Accommodations and Modifications Differentiated Instruction: Materials/Resources: Homework/ Reminders/Personal Notes: DELIVERING THE LESSON - Part 2 Note: Timing & Grouping Mental Set Sharing the Purpose/Objectives Body: (Input, Modeling, Check for Understanding, Guided Practice, Independent Practice) Closure Homework/ Reminders: Reflections: Include Successes, Challenges, Changes, Next Steps.      Creating the Dynamic Classroom, A Handbook for Teachers, Revised Edition, Schwartz/Pollishuke, Pearson Publishing, 2011  35=>? 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