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Connect to careers Connect to other strands Connect to previous lesson Connect to student interest Orient students to an activity Orient students to materials Develop interpersonal skills Develop learning skills Introduce a problem Do a motivating activity Pose a question Reflect on prior learning Connect to previous group of lessons Plan links between assessment and instruction: 1) Identify what will be assessed (curriculum expectations or learning skills). 2) Choose an appropriate assessment strategy 3) Choose an appropriate assessment scoring tool. Explicitly label assessment for learning (inform future instruction); assessment as learning (reflection); assessment of learning (student achievement). Explicitly identify planned differentiation of content, process, or product based on readiness, interest, or learning preference in order to (e.g., work in zone of proximal development; save time; give students choice, etc.) Provide hyperlinks to: Rationale/ research Classroom video Lesson artefacts Professional dialogue Action!Students do mathematics: fearless talking and listening, reflecting, discussing, observing, investigating, representing, reasoning, selecting tools and computational strategies, developing understanding, valuing mathematics, constructing concepts, demonstrating concepts, applying concepts, discovering relationships, exploring, hypothesizing, building algorithmic skills, etc. Teachers plan appropriate student groupings and strategies, pose questions to expose thinking, listen carefully, observe, offer prompts when necessary, respond to provide appropriate scaffolding and challenge, etc. Consolidate DebriefPull out the math, check for conceptual understanding, and prepare students for the follow-up activity or the next lesson. Often this involves whole class discussion and sharing. Students listen to and contribute to reflections on alternate approaches, different solutions, extensions, and connections. Students should be well prepared to do mathematics individually after the three-part lesson. Application Concept Practice Differentiated Exploration Reflection Skill DrillHome Activity or Further Classroom Consolidation Provide meaningful and appropriate follow-up. Choose activities that consolidate understanding, build confidence in doing mathematics independently, help parents see the types of math activities students engage in during class and to see connections between the mathematics being taught and life beyond the classroom. Give students some choice through differentiated activities. Did your plan include activities that are visual kinaesthetic auditory?     FLMZp P ! 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