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Provide detailsKnowledge of Students Differentiation based on student: ( Readiness ( Interests ( Learner Profile: ( Styles ( Intelligences ( Other (e.g., environment, gender, culture) Need to Know Students How to Find Out Differentiated Instruction Response ( Learning materials (content) ( Ways of learning (process) ( Ways of demonstrating learning (product) ( Learning environment  Resources (for items in appendix, indicate with asterisk)  Agenda (to be listed on blackboard, in student language) Minds On (Hook) ( Establishing a positive learning environment ( Connecting to prior learning and/or experiences ( Setting the context for learning Connections L: Literacy AfL, AoL: Assessment for/of Learning Whole Class or Groups of ? ( Name of Activity and/or Strategy Description  AfL: Strategy/Assessment Tool Action ( Introducing new learning or extending/reinforcing prior learning ( Providing opportunities for practice and application of learning (guided > independent) Whole Class or Groups of ? ( Name of Activity(ies) and/or Strategy(ies) Description  AfL: Strategy/Assessment Tool Consolidation and Connection ( Helping students demonstrate what they have learned ( Providing opportunities for consolidation and reflectionWhole Class or Groups of ? ( Name of Activity and/or Strategy Description  AfL or AoL: Strategy/Assessment Tool Extension/PREP/Hwk (activities completed outside of class to reinforce/extend learning or prepare for next class) AfL or AoL: Strategy/Assessment Tool  Accommodations/Special Needs: (this may have been identified above in DI section) How will you accommodate for students with IEPs, ELLs etc.? Teacher Reflection on Lesson: (to be completed after teaching, you do not need to fill this out for this assignment, just an FYI for reflective practice)Aspects that worked: Changes for next time:     *,;>AUXYfjoعyjjjXjGyjGyjG!hshc5>*CJ OJQJ\"hshc5CJOJQJ\aJhshc5>*OJQJ\hshc5OJQJ\hshc>*OJQJhshcOJQJhcOJQJ$hshcCJOJQJ^JmH sH <hchc56CJ"OJQJ\]^JaJ"mH nH sH tH hshcCJ"OJQJaJ"0jhshcCJ"OJQJUaJ"mHnHuABY^Y9 + p@ P !8 N "")Z^Zgdcgdc" 1 p@ P !8 N X ")Z^Zgdcikd$$Ifx        0    4 xal p $Ifgdc d$IfgdcYZ ) p@ P !gdc  \ t"8 |)]gdc  t"8 #") ] gdc ( p@ P !8 N "Z^Zgdc   0 6 O T 㢊waUJUJUJUJhshcOJQJhshc5OJQJ*hshc5CJOJQJ\^JmH sH $hshcCJOJQJ^JmH sH .hshc5CJOJQJ\^JaJmH sH !hshc5>*CJ OJQJ\hshc>*OJQJ\hshcOJQJ\*hshc5CJ OJQJ\^JmH sH hshc5>*OJQJ\hshc5OJQJ\   pe $IfgdcK$pkd$$Iflg**      0Z4 lap  ) p@ P !$Ifgdc  2 5 }j & F$1$7$8$IfgdcK$ $Ifgdcykdw$IfK$L$l6,,  t 0,44 lap 5 6 O Q S {h & F$1$7$8$IfgdcK$ & F$1$7$8$Ifgdc $Ifgdcikd$IfK$L$lm,, t0,44 laS T {{h & F$1$7$8$IfgdcK$ & F$1$7$8$Ifgdc $Ifgdcikd$IfK$L$l{,, t0,44 la veeR & F$1$7$8$IfgdcK$ & F$1$7$8$Ifgdc ) p@ P !$Ifgdcikd$IfK$L$l,, t0,44 la     ! 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