12:16:22 Okay, so you guys can take a comfortable position in your seat. 12:16:27 Ideally, with a straight back 12:16:33 Sounds on your feet firmly on the floor. 12:16:41 And you can close your eyes, whenever that feels comfortable. 12:16:48 Just going to stop the timer. 12:16:53 I want you to bring your attention to the breath. 12:17:00 You might feel it at the tip of your nose. 12:17:09 Maybe in your chest or afternoon. 12:17:24 Just sit with it for a while, and let it do what it does. 12:17:50 Don't try to force it to be anything that it isn't. 12:18:11 We can think of the breath is something that we are receiving 12:18:18 something that we have to open to. 12:18:28 This allows us to release some control. 12:18:55 If your mind is wandering just noticed that and come back to the breath. 12:19:43 Keep your attention on the same spot that you chose at the beginning, either at the nostrils, the abdomen. 12:19:54 The back of the phone. 12:20:19 You don't have to try too hard. 12:20:24 Just remember that you're breathing anyway. 12:20:29 The only thing that you're doing is watching it. 12:21:41 For the last little while. 12:21:44 We can begin to try to control the breath, just by bringing it low deeper 12:21:55 into the belly. 12:21:59 Out of the chest. 12:22:07 This can help signal to the body that it's time to relax. 12:22:21 Don't strain. 12:22:24 Just let the breath for as long as it can go. 12:23:20 Feel the sensations of your belly expanding you breathe in. 12:23:32 The following is up there. 12:24:23 Sometimes it can help to place a hand on your belly breathing. 12:24:30 To help you feel the rising and falling. 12:25:27 Fear last few breaths. 12:25:30 want you to pay as much attention as you can 12:25:35 to the sensations, starting at the nostrils and breathing in 12:25:42 the air falling through your lungs down into the diaphragm 12:25:51 again. 12:26:18 slowly you can start wiggling your toes. 12:26:26 Moving your fingers, shoulders, 12:26:30 bring your attention back to your.