{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1671\cocoasubrtf600 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} {\*\expandedcolortbl;;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww10800\viewh8400\viewkind0 \pard\tx566\tx1133\tx1700\tx2267\tx2834\tx3401\tx3968\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6236\tx6803\pardirnatural\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs24 \cf0 \ 12:32:45 It's kind of more just, it's about opening and using a kind of a little bit of a visualization, an experiential feeling in our bodies to feel open and experiment with what that means for us, and how it might be useful or not in our lives.\ 12:32:56 And how how the idea of opening might allow us to be more mindful and follow the present moment, more closely, somehow.\ 12:33:08 Okay.\ 12:33:12 So, Without further ado, guys can assume your postures.\ 12:33:17 Turn your cameras off if you like my eyes will probably be open for this one.\ 12:33:22 So, Just so you know,\ 12:33:30 time as well.\ 12:33:36 Okay, straight back but not rigid\ 12:33:43 feet firmly on the floor.\ 12:33:48 Hands on your lap.\ 12:33:52 If you're used to meditating, using a certain position of your hands, and you can do that.\ 12:34:00 You can do that. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, then you can just leave your hands on your lap.\ 12:34:10 And again, we're going to start by coming to the breath.\ 12:34:19 Just find it wherever it is.\ 12:34:50 Now you're next and follow the breath through your nostrils into the lungs and down into the diaphragm.\ 12:35:01 Again,\ 12:35:22 the bottom of your next inhale.\ 12:35:22 Follow that pressure in your belly, lower and lower until your awareness, which is your feet.\ 12:35:48 notice any sensations that might be there.\ 12:35:53 Maybe your feet are hot or cold.\ 12:36:13 You don't need to search for anything to feel in your feet.\ 12:36:19 Maybe you feel nothing. In some places, that's okay too.\ 12:36:36 We're going to scan my awareness, slowly.\ 12:36:43 Very slowly through the Cavs.\ 12:36:58 past the means.\ 12:37:03 Notice both the back end from Tiffany's.\ 12:37:40 taking your time to go along the top. Besides, bottom.\ 12:38:04 feel the pressure of the seat on your seat.\ 12:38:15 Why yourself to feel the support of your chair.\ 12:38:40 Just like with the breath meditation. If your mind is wandering off.\ 12:38:47 Just bring it back to the body.\ 12:38:54 You don't have to use force.\ 12:38:59 Just a gentle reminder.\ 12:39:18 gonna come on wellness. Fine. First,\ 12:39:26 trying to feel any tightness in the lower back\ 12:39:32 and directing our breath to these areas.\ 12:39:57 Keep coming up the spine, your awareness and rest in the middle of your upper back, right about where your heart center might be located\ 12:40:17 and direct your breath here for a few moments, taking deep breaths into the chest cavity\ 12:40:30 and big long exhales.\ 12:40:52 imagine that this space in your chest is opening up with every breath.\ 12:41:05 Expanding wider and lighter,\ 12:41:12 taking in more and more.\ 12:41:32 Becoming receptive\ 12:41:35 to what is\ 12:41:49 gradually come the breath again, falling back into a normal rhythm.\ 12:42:00 And at the same time, bringing the awareness to the lower belly.\ 12:42:33 Rest in the belly. As you breathe, feeling any tightness, or cramping, or hunger.\ 12:42:43 Just let it stay there.\ 12:42:47 Because it is what's there.\ 12:43:15 And from the lower belly, we're going to move our awareness, along the front of the torso.\ 12:43:26 Back over the chest\ 12:43:39 Come into the shoulders, where we hold a lot of tension.\ 12:43:47 See if you can direct your path to your shoulders to the type areas\ 12:43:57 without trying to loosen them, letting them be there as they are.\ 12:44:08 Even if it's a little uncomfortable, but breathing into it.\ 12:44:37 No allow this breath to flow with your awareness down your left arm.\ 12:44:46 The top the arm.\ 12:44:50 The elbow joint.\ 12:44:55 The forum, and the end.\ 12:45:00 We have so many sensations in our hands.\ 12:45:06 So rest there for a while.\ 12:45:31 The while the awareness from your left hand, transferring to your right hand.\ 12:45:37 Scanning slowly up the right arm, until you reach your shoulder again.\ 12:46:15 Right shoulder, come into the neck\ 12:46:21 move in to the tightness, if there's any\ 12:46:31 your awareness up to the head,\ 12:46:35 taking your time to feel the features of your face.\ 12:46:41 Your chin.\ 12:46:50 your\ 12:46:50 ears.\ 12:46:57 The nose, Chief.\ 12:47:00 Hi.\ 12:47:36 Allow your awareness to rest on the Third Eye Center, which is the space between the eyebrows. And just above God an inch above the middle space between the eyebrows.\ 12:47:50 Just allow your awareness to rest there for a moment.\ 12:47:54 What are you feel anything they're not.\ 12:48:36 each inhale, directed to that space between your eyebrows,\ 12:48:44 imagining that the power of the breath can open up the center.\ 12:49:04 Not allowing it to open,\ 12:49:08 you're allowing your mind to be hoping\ 12:49:22 in allowing your mind to be open, you're allowing yourself to perceive the way things actually are in each moment.\ 12:50:03 man you're next in\ 12:50:08 quality awareness to shift down from the third eye.\ 12:50:13 Washing down more swift case before\ 12:50:20 through the whole body.\ 12:50:26 So, once, until you reach the bottoms of your feet again\ 12:50:38 and start wiggling your toes,\ }