{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1671\cocoasubrtf600 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} {\*\expandedcolortbl;;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww10800\viewh8400\viewkind0 \pard\tx566\tx1133\tx1700\tx2267\tx2834\tx3401\tx3968\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6236\tx6803\pardirnatural\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs24 \cf0 \ 16:34:20 I'd like to do a version of the three minute breathing space so breathing space practice, just beginning with\ 16:34:45 a little bit of diaphragm breathing sometimes we call this calming breath.\ 16:34:51 As we move into a three minute breathing space.\ 16:34:55 So once again, finding a comfortable alert dignified posture, so that you can be at ease in the body.\ 16:35:07 Yet awake,\ 16:35:12 checking in with the feet in touch with the ground and the hips supported hands resting on the lap eyes can be closed or open.\ 16:35:23 Tall spine, neutral spine,\ 16:35:28 just beginning to take some normal breaths, while paying attention to the breath.\ 16:35:42 And after a while you might wish to start focusing on.\ 16:35:49 Maybe even counting the breast focusing on the length of the breath.\ 16:35:54 And if this is particularly challenging. Just continue to breathe normally, and bring your attention to the feet on the floor or information from the five senses of sight, smell, taste, touch sound.\ 16:36:13 If you like beginning to breathe in for a count of four,\ 16:36:20 three or four.\ 16:36:24 And then pausing for one or two\ 16:36:28 men slowly breathing out for a count of five or six. So the exhale is longer than the inhale, pausing again for one or two.\ 16:36:46 And then again, slowly breathing in seeing if perhaps you're noticing the breath going in to the belly.\ 16:36:55 More and more over time,\ 16:36:58 or balance between the belly and the chest, pausing and then exhaling longer slower exhale.\ 16:37:10 The counting is helpful, continuing to count.\ 16:37:19 We're just getting the felt sense of the exhale being longer than the inhale,\ 16:37:25 and a full breath\ 16:37:30 in and out through the nostrils.\ 16:37:37 Know that we are settled in the posture.\ 16:37:42 Letting go of our habitual automatic pilot coming into the present moment with this deliberate posture, paying attention to the breath in the body and the body sitting,\ 16:37:59 checking in with the inner landscape with what's here right now. What thoughts are around.\ 16:38:06 Any thoughts, noting thinking thoughts as activities of the mind.\ 16:38:14 Just thoughts coming and going like clouds in the sky.\ 16:38:31 Then what emotions are around, perhaps, naming the emotion if you can, or having a felt sense of the emotion that may be here. Maybe it's a sense of calm or peace or anxiety,\ 16:38:55 sadness, joy,\ 16:39:00 just naming it as best you can.\ 16:39:15 And then what body sensations are here.\ 16:39:18 What sensations are noticed in the body.\ 16:39:23 You can naming the sensation.\ 16:39:26 one at a time.\ 16:39:45 Breath expansion contraction temperature\ 16:39:41 tightness, or ease.\ 16:39:45 Touch.\ 16:40:00 And then gathering and focusing your attention on the sensations of breathing in the belly.\ 16:40:09 Simply Breathing in and breathing out a few breaths at your own pace for about a minute or so.\ 16:41:23 now expanding the awareness to include the breath.\ 16:41:28 The body breathing, and the entire body in this posture.\ 16:41:33 The body sitting.\ 16:41:35 The touch points,\ 16:41:40 sense of the body in the space.\ 16:41:44 The room that you're in the space around you.\ 16:41:51 Listening to any sounds,\ 16:42:03 and then taking this spacious awareness into the next moment}