12:12:28 So, just coming to standing with the feet about hip width apart, and 12:12:39 connected with the earth here supported through the soles of the feet in contact with the ground. 12:12:49 If you have access to a window. 12:12:54 Even, it might be nice to store yet at yourself towards 12:13:03 the ground outside, just having a sense of the space, and the earth that you're connected to through the feet, closing the eyes. 12:13:16 In the standing posture, if you like, that helps you to connect, also with the body and the breath, 12:13:25 getting a sense of the entirety of your experience of being supported of standing in this posture. 12:13:37 And if you're listening to the recording you can also do this practice sitting, if needed. 12:13:46 So keeping the arms down by the sides with a soft bend in the knees, allowing the shoulders to rest, away from the ears and a slight nod in the chin, stay long gating the neck and the spine and sending the crown of the head up towards the sky 12:14:12 Ceiling this sense of connection with the feet, and the ground, the crown of the head reaching up to the sky. 12:14:24 You may also have a sense of your heart center and also this place that is below the belly button, maybe two or three fingers with below the belly button. 12:14:38 Maybe even placing a hand there in the lower belly. 12:14:41 This is the place of connection support balance in the body, perhaps, strength and resiliency, just connecting with that place, 12:14:59 and breathing normally naturally. 12:15:03 As you begin to open the eyes and as we start to move in to moving with the breath. 12:15:13 So beginning by clasping, the hands in front of the body. 12:15:20 And on the inhale straightening the arms and bringing the arms to shoulder height. 12:15:28 And then, flipping the palms forward, bending the knees curling the spine into a C shape and sending the arms forward straightening the arm sending the crown of the head forward, engaging the belly for support. 12:15:46 Breathing here. 12:15:51 On the next inhale beginning to raise the arms up towards the sky and bringing the palms back together again hands together or shoulder width apart, and just reaching up towards the sky. 12:16:06 Getting a full body stretch feeling any sensations in the side body. 12:16:13 The spine the shoulders. 12:16:16 And if you need a break for your shoulders just taking that break whenever you need it, or widening the arms and breathing here, and then slowly beginning to send the arm slightly back maybe about a centimeter or two behind the year so that you're moving 12:16:36 the upper body into a slight back bend, opening the front of the chest and engaging the shoulder blades muscles in between the shoulder blades and just breathing here and feeling the strength and resiliency of this posture, as well as the links and support 12:16:59 continued support from the ground beneath you. 12:17:04 And then on the next exhale coming back to center bringing the arms a little bit forward of the ears. 12:17:14 And then slowly now turning the arm zoning to a T shape so the arms are out to the sides and just holding at shoulder height and noticing what you feel when the fingertips are towards the sky so a kind of stretch or lengthening in the arms the forearms 12:17:40 and an opening in the chest as well as strength and support that's required to hold the arms up in this way, just continuing to breathe here and again taking breaks whenever you need. 12:17:57 Perhaps even rotating the risks in one direction. 12:18:04 And the other direction. 12:18:08 Another breath here. And now bending the elbows and bringing the fingertips to the shoulders, allowing the shoulders to rest, away from the ears, and with a slight bend in the knees and engaging the low belly, just beginning to twist the torso over towards 12:18:30 the right so looking towards the right shoulder, breathing here. 12:18:41 And on the next exhale, coming back to center. 12:18:45 And then, inhaling twisting over to the left, and taking a breath here. 12:18:59 Exhaling all the way back to center. 12:19:02 And then releasing the arms down by the sides again. 12:19:08 Just checking in with the body and standing posture, 12:19:14 noticing any sensations. 12:19:19 I'm clapping their hands behind the body straightening the arms as best you can. 12:19:27 and taking an inhale here. 12:19:31 As you send the arms up and back straight arms up and back behind you to getting really choosing your range of motion carefully. 12:19:44 There's no right or wrong, going at your own pace. 12:19:50 And if the mind gets involved and start to notice thinking, judging 12:20:02 planning, noting this and gently guiding the attention back to the body and the sensations that you feel in the body. 12:20:12 Continuing to breathe here, opening the chest lengthening the arms widening the shoulders. 12:20:22 Keeping the neck neutral. 12:20:26 And then on the next exhale bending the knees, a lot, and starting to hinge forward at the hips. 12:20:34 The arms are still straight and back behind you. 12:20:38 You might wish to release the arms now and bring them to rest on the thighs or the shins for support. 12:20:49 And from here either staying in a forward fold halfway, or starting to roll the upper body, all the way down over your legs. 12:21:02 Using the legs or a chair or your desk for support if you need. 12:21:10 And then just allowing the head to hang heavy, and the crown of the head to reach towards the ground gauging the belly and bending the knees. 12:21:23 for extra stability and support. 12:21:28 And then even allowing the arms and the fingers to reach towards the ground. 12:21:34 Taking this forward bend and allowing the weight of the head to traction in length and the entire spine. 12:21:45 And if you're sitting, you can do this sitting by lengthening the legs and folding over your legs. 12:21:54 And if your eyes are open, then you might gaze towards the ground, and in between the ankles just behind the ankles 12:22:09 and breathing here. 12:22:13 Perhaps noticing sensations in the back of the legs, or the spine, hips. 12:22:31 And then slowly bending the knees a lot, perhaps even using the thighs for support, engaging the belly and starting to roll all the way back up to standing. 12:22:46 And once you're back to a standing posture clasping the hands behind the body again and strengthening lengthening the arms back behind you opening the chest and breathing here, 12:23:08 and exhaling bringing the arms back to the sides. 12:23:14 Inhaling arms up towards the sky clasping the hands or keeping them about shoulder width apart, reaching up for the sky, shoulders down and away from the ears. 12:23:28 And this time, releasing the left arm down and sleeping the body over to the left, so finding a side stretch, feeling any sensations in the side body. 12:23:45 Breathing here. 12:23:52 And then slowly coming back to center, left arm comes up to meet the right, and then the right arm comes down by the side. 12:24:02 Inhaling over towards the right side. 12:24:07 Stretching over to the right, 12:24:11 just breathing here, 12:24:19 slowly releasing and coming all the way back to center. 12:24:24 In back to a standing posture. 12:24:29 You like now closing the eyes, or keeping them open for balance, taking a breath here and checking in with the body and any sensations that you're noticing. 12:24:51 And then opening the eyes and moving into a seated posture on the chair so that we can do a little bit of chair yoga. 12:25:06 A few movements. 12:25:08 So coming to sit on the chair. 12:25:14 And with a tall spine and hips supported and the feet in contact with the ground. 12:25:22 Keeping the chest open and the shoulders away from the ears, just breathing here. 12:25:32 And then slowly starting to rotate the shoulders forward up back and down. 12:25:40 Just really feeling any sensations that you notice in the shoulders. 12:25:51 And again really going to your own range of motion. 12:26:03 And then changing directions, 12:26:09 noticing any sensations, 12:26:17 then starting to slow that down and bringing the body back to stillness and just checking in with how the body feels right now 12:26:29 beginning to rotate the head by bringing right ear to right shoulder rolling the head forward, left ear to left shoulder, 12:26:42 finding some length in the muscles of the neck, just breathing here. 12:26:50 Doing a few rotations. 12:26:53 And if you find a spot that's particularly tight or tense you might even wish to pause, maybe even using the fingertips to gently press into the muscles for a little bit of a self massage or lengthening or whatever is needed here. 12:27:20 And then changing directions, really aware of all the sensations that are coming arising lingering and passing, even if they're unpleasant. 12:27:33 And then finally coming back to center. 12:27:38 And looking right looking left. 12:27:43 Just a few times. 12:27:46 Breathing in the background. 12:27:56 And this time, placing one hand, the right hand on the top of the head, and just slowly leaning, the ear towards the right ear towards the right shoulder, and stretching out the left arm to the sides, just getting a stretch into the side of the neck and 12:28:17 the left shoulder, just breathing here and really taking care to not move too deep, if the body is really tight, or a chance, just going at your own pace, your own range. 12:28:34 Breathing here. 12:28:36 When releasing that and bringing the left hand to the top of the head and the right arm out to the side and leaning the head over to the left shoulder. 12:28:48 Just finding a bit of a 12:28:53 stretch, or length in that side of the neck. 12:29:01 Breathing here, 12:29:09 and releasing the head and bringing the hands back to the laptop. 12:29:16 From here, bringing the right ankle over the left side, you know finger for shape. 12:29:24 Crossing one leg over the other. 12:29:27 And the shin is little bit higher than parallel to the ground. 12:29:35 So whatever. 12:29:37 It's different for different people depending on the openness and the hips and the tightness in the hips that we sometimes have from sitting a lot, whatever, wherever your knee ends up just flexing the ankles, to protect the knee. 12:29:53 And with shoulders relaxed, perhaps starting to hinge forward at the hips and 12:30:03 noticing if you feel a bit of a deeper stretch in the side of the right hand 12:30:15 just breathing here. 12:30:19 If it's too intense you can scale back and just bring the right ankle over the left thigh and just sit in this finger for shape, or even lengthen the left leg for a little bit of ease in the right hip, just breathing here, 12:30:40 feeling any sensations you notice, no right or wrong. 12:30:49 There's an area of tension or tightness you might even with the inhale expand into that heart and with the exhale soften. 12:31:03 And then releasing the right leg, and now bringing the left ankle to rest on the right side flexing the ankle toes pointing towards the knee. 12:31:16 This figure for shape. 12:31:19 Either staying right here, or beginning to hinge forward at the hips to intensify the stretch in in the left hand. 12:31:34 Notice saying, 12:31:37 where the breast is 12:31:41 any sensations. 12:31:46 With it along spine straight spine. 12:32:00 And then slowly releasing that coming back to center. 12:32:08 And so now we'll do a bit of a stretch and you have a choice here in how you, you want to do this but can I invite you to sit sideways on her chair, so that your side is to the screen and bringing the left buttock and hip, close to the edge of the chair 12:32:31 so that the right hip is off the chair and hanging onto the back of the chair or something for support if you need it. 12:32:40 And with a tall spine, sending the right ankle back behind you see we're kind of in a lunch, and a half lunch with the left half of the hip of the hips in contact with the chair. 12:33:03 And just noticing, if you send the knee towards the ground. 12:33:11 On the right side, you might start to notice a bit of length in the right front of the hip, just breathing here, engaging the muscles on the sides of the right hip and sending that knee closer to the ground curling the toes under, that's helpful. 12:33:36 Just breathing here really holding on to the chair the back of the chair for support if you need it. 12:33:48 If you want to take it a little bit deeper you could release the foot off the ground and reach back for the ankle, really paying attention to your own capacity today in the range of motion that works for you. 12:34:07 And continuing to deepen the stretch in the front of that hip of the right hip, just breathing here. 12:34:21 And then releasing the right leg. 12:34:25 Coming back through center. 12:34:27 And now, placing the right hip and butter on the chair, holding on to something for support the back of the chair and curling the left toes under. 12:34:54 Coming into a seated lunch and turning the knee, so that it's facing down in towards the ground. 12:34:53 So just finding some length in the front of that left hip 12:35:03 and breathing here. 12:35:05 And if you want to go a little bit deeper, grabbing hold of that left ankle was I left hand. 12:35:15 For me, please heal closer to the left. 12:35:33 When releasing the last leg. 12:35:47 Coming back through center, coming back to sitting in a neutral posture facing forward. 12:35:47 Inhaling bringing the arms up towards the sky, reaching up towards the sky sending the arms back behind you, and then bringing the arms forward hands clasped, and once again sending the palms forward curling the spine into a C shape. 12:36:12 And then, inhaling releasing the arms bringing the hands to the lap and coming back again into a neutral spine. 12:36:22 And just taking a breath here in the seated posture. 12:36:27 This is our last posture for this mindful movement series, 12:36:37 checking in and noticing how the body feels right now. Any sensations you notice any shifts or changes, 12:36:49 checking in with the breath 12:37:01 the head and the eyes and the jaw and the shoulders and the hips 12:37:13 and breathing in through the nose. 12:37:18 If you can counting up to four as you breathe in 12:37:24 and holding for two, and then breathing out for six through the mouth, or five, whatever is available to you, longer slower exhale, 12:37:40 pausing again and inhaling into the belly, pausing and exhaling through the mouth longer slower exhale, perhaps even making a sound. 12:37:57 One One more time, inhaling into the belly. 12:38:03 Pause, an exhale through the mouth. 12:38:12 Pause.