12:11:19 And then we'll continue with another practice perhaps a longer one. So, let's find a comfortable posture one in which you can be supported. 12:11:38 Yet alert and awake and feeling free to close the eyes if that's comfortable for keeping a soft. 12:11:48 Open gaze settling into this posture, just as you are 12:11:57 checking in with how you're feeling right now, how the body is any sensations that you may be noticing in the body and in particular sensations of contact. 12:12:12 Touch between the feet in the ground, the hips supported by your chair hands resting on the lap, checking in with the hips and the shoulders, and the jaw, the eyes and even the back of the neck at the base of the skull and just getting a sense of all 12:12:35 of these parts of the body that tend to hold some tension or 12:12:43 stress, whenever we're experiencing stress that it can sometimes get held in the body is tightness tension. 12:12:55 So as we're moving through the practice just noticing. 12:12:59 If you see any shifts or find any ease in the body, just naturally not forcing anything to happen. 12:13:12 I'm bringing the attention to the breath in the body. 12:13:17 Breath coming and going through the nostrils 12:13:21 and following the path of the breath as it enters the body and makes its way all the way through the throat, the chest, the rib cage and into the belly. 12:13:39 Feeling the sensations of each inhale in this way. And then with the exhale following the full length of the exhale, from the belly. 12:14:03 All the way back out through the nostrils, getting a sense of the body breathing and sensations of breathing. 12:14:04 Just taking a few slow full breaths in this way, paying attention to the breath for the entire length as best you can. 12:14:29 For some reason breath is challenging today, then you might focus on a sense of the feet in contact with the ground or place a hand on the belly or the chest, and just feeling the movement of this part. 12:14:47 With each inhale and each exhale, perhaps, listening to sounds arising and passing. 12:15:03 Just like the breath moves in and out of the body. 12:15:09 Sounds arise, and pass. 12:15:26 Nice the attention gets pulled to thinking, perhaps just noticing the type of thought, planning, worrying past, future. 12:15:41 As soon as you become aware, rather than following the train of thought, just setting aside, noting thinking, 12:15:53 letting it be in the background and guiding the attention back to the sensations of breathing. 12:16:07 And then resting the awareness on wherever you feel the breath the most in the body, 12:16:19 and paying attention to the sensations of breathing. 12:16:25 Where ever you notice them the most. 12:16:32 Even if it's for a moment before the attention gets pulled. 12:16:38 Simply returning the attention back over and over again, this is the practice. 12:16:48 This is just what the mind does no right or wrong, releasing any judgment. 12:17:00 It's simply 12:17:03 like lightly placing the thoughts aside, gently and kindly guiding the attention back to sensations of breathing, wherever you notice them the most. 12:17:47 cultivating a sense of curiosity and interest about the breath, and how the breath feels in the body. 12:17:57 Perhaps this nourishing quality of each inhale and soft stunning quality of each 12:18:08 or how the belly or the chest might rise with each inhale and fall with each exhale, 12:18:20 getting a sense of the rhythm of the breath coming and going, 12:18:27 allowing the breath to be just as it is just noticing. 12:18:33 It's characteristics, whether it's shallow or deep long or short flowing smoothly, or choppy constricted or easeful 12:18:58 just paying attention to how it is right now in this moment. 12:19:09 No need for a story where reason just noticing. 12:19:49 No slowly 12:19:54 releasing the attention on the breath and, including the entire body, and the body breathing. 12:20:04 The body sitting in this posture sensations of touch 12:20:12 base around you. 12:20:16 Sounds inside and outside the room, 12:20:25 slowly releasing the practice if the eyes are closed, opening the eyes and just bringing the attention back. 12:20:43 So just taking a moment to check in with yourself and how this practice was for you what you noticed. 12:20:53 What's showing up for you today.