12:12:26 I invite you maybe we'll do the, maybe we'll do the circle of joy practice I think that that might be nice. 12:12:45 So I invite you to to stand for this if you want to do it sitting, you can do it sitting. 12:12:42 And 12:12:46 so coming to standing. 12:12:50 Just want to position myself so you can see me. 12:12:59 So coming to 12:13:03 standing posture taking the standing posture and 12:13:09 moving into a practice which is called the circle of joy, and it's one that allows the body to get a little bit more energy if you're feeling tired or body feels a bit lethargic. 12:13:28 Maybe you haven't had a good sleep or maybe you've worked hard all week. And so, just to bring a little bit more energy vitality into the body. And if you're agitated or a little bit anxious or con lot going on, what being thrown at you, then it may help 12:13:45 to calm the body and, As a result, the mind as well. 12:13:50 So, coming to the standing posture and if you're choosing to sit that's fine too. But feeling the feet in contact with the ground and just beginning by checking in with the body. 12:14:04 Initially the eyes can be closed or softly open. If you wish, just to get a sense of the body in this resting posture, kind of mountain posture, sitting or standing with the feet connected with the ground supported by the earth. 12:14:29 Any other support that you might feel in the back body or beneath the body. 12:14:38 And you might start to sway forward and back or side to side, just feeling the shifting of the weight of the body and the sensations, you may feel in the bottoms of the feet. 12:14:54 Just at your own pace beginning to sway a little bit side to side forward or back. 12:15:01 And this movement any of these movements are your choice. So making the choice to move in whatever way is appropriate for your body, 12:15:15 making the choice to go deeper slower faster, different makes sense, or even to not do the movement. If it's not right for you. 12:15:30 And so finding a place of center of balance in this resting mountain posture standing, sitting 12:15:42 and checking in with the breath in the body, noticing the breath in, breath is challenging you may just place the hand on the belly or the chest, and feel this gentle kind of movement that might happen with each breath. 12:16:00 Maybe arising, very subtle rising. 12:16:04 With the inhale and falling with the exhale might start to feel sensations inside the body of the breath moving in and out of the body, feeling this as best you can. 12:16:21 If there's no sensation or it's very very subtle just knowing that the body is breathing. 12:16:28 Just a sense of this knowing of the breath. 12:16:32 Coming and going supporting you. 12:16:35 Is practice. 12:16:54 Perhaps the breath even changes as you're paying attention to it and if you're aware of this and just noting this. And if the shoulders are sort of up around the ears if you're holding any kind of way to third tense or tight just noticing this will be 12:17:06 there's a little bit of extra attention or tightness so if you like you might even explore. 12:17:14 Maybe releasing the shoulders to rest, away from the IRS, seeing what that feels like. 12:17:26 From here will begin to actually move, but clasping the hands in front of the body. 12:17:37 And so clasping the hands in front of the body, straightening the arms as much as you can, right now, and bringing the arms straight arms up to shoulder height, breathing the background the entire time or if you choose to, you can move with the breath. 12:18:00 So maybe moving the arms with the inhale. 12:18:05 And then on the exhale bending the knees, tucking the tail sending the belly button towards the spine rounding the spine into a C shape and seeing if you can send the arms forward and send the crown of the head forward engaging the belly button, you can 12:18:27 do this sitting or standing reading here, 12:18:33 taking breaks if you need, and really feeling all of the sensations. 12:18:40 Any sensations that you notice any at all. 12:18:48 And then perhaps on the next inhale straightening the body and sending the arms up towards the sky sending them all the way up to the sky, maybe, placing the palms back together again or arms shoulder width apart, reaching up towards the sky. 12:19:08 And then from here, lowering the left arm, and leaning over to the left side, reaching the right fingertips over towards the left and really feeling the sensations in the side of it as a stretch. 12:19:25 As a stretch. Breathing here. 12:19:30 Any sensations, you can feel whether they're pleasant or unpleasant as best you can be with them. 12:19:38 Just having a sense even of this side bend, lengthening of this side body on the right hand side. 12:19:49 And then on the next exhale bringing the right arm down. Inhaling to send the left arm up towards the sky and it's your choice if you want to move with breath, or just let the breath being the background. 12:20:03 And then from here leaning over to the right side, sending the left fingertips up overhead over towards the right and feeling this length in the left side body. 12:20:19 Breathing in, all the way 12:20:24 into the body as much as you can as much as you need. 12:20:30 Feeling any sensation in the sidebar here. 12:20:36 And then slowly coming back to center back to standing or sitting in this resting posture mountain shape of a mountain. 12:20:49 And from here, sending the arms out to the sides, send you both arms out to the sides, stretching out the forearms, sending the fingertips up towards the sky maybe to find a deeper stretch and seeing if the shoulders are up around that years perhaps letting 12:22:19 Breathing hair, and then starting to twist over towards the right hand side, just twisting 12:22:31 gazing over towards the right shoulder 12:22:19 breathing, 12:22:19 then releasing the twist coming back to center and then slowly twisting to the opposite side. 12:22:28 Breathing here, feeling any sensations from this twist with the attention has started to wonder the mind goes off into thinking, planning, whoring judgment whatever it is just noting this coming back to center. 12:22:46 Gently and kindly releasing 12:22:50 acknowledging the thoughts that may be coming and returning attention back to the body as best you can, releasing the arms down, and then clasping the hands, sending the arms behind the body clasping, the hands, and with straight arms or straight as make 12:23:10 sense for your body and sending the arms back behind you, while opening the front of the chest so finding an extension in the spine and now really taking up all the space behind you and the space in front of you. 12:23:29 Breathing here breathing, all the way down into the value perhaps into the chest, into the hips. 12:23:40 And if the shoulders are tending to move up around the ears and just seeing if you can lower the arms lower the shoulders, even if the arms come closer to the body. 12:23:53 Your choice how far you want to go in this posture. 12:23:59 And then slowly with the hands and arms class behind you, bending the knees deeply unhinging forward at the hips and now the arms are still back behind you. 12:24:14 Hands together. You might wish to start to curl even further. 12:24:20 The upper body over the lower body and start to use the shins as support or the ankles or even the chair or table in front of you, making sure the head is clear that you're not hitting the head on anything. 12:24:37 And just curling forward into a deep forward fold with the knees bent as much as you need, and allowing the weight of the head to really traction the spine to lengthen the spine, allowing the weight of the head, 12:24:56 the crown of the head to reach towards the ground, perhaps feeling sensations of stretching of lengthening feeling the breath. Knowing bodies breathing, continuing to breathe in the background. 12:25:15 Perhaps pressing through the feet through all the toes, and the heel and the inner and outer edges of the feet, 12:25:28 seeing if there's any release in the shoulders than that. 12:25:34 The spine 12:25:38 is the eyes are holding any tension and the joy is holding an intention just noticing that perhaps breathing into these parts. 12:25:46 Expanding with the inhale and softening with the exhale and then slowly, slowly now with the knees bent, just starting to slowly roll the body, all the way up to standing. 12:26:02 Coming back to standing. 12:26:06 Or if you were sitting coming back to sitting and just checking in with the body, as it is right now, 12:26:18 leaving here. 12:26:21 And then slowly starting to roll the shoulders forward, back, and down. 12:26:29 Forward up back and down in this direction, a few times. 12:26:35 Just really feeling any sensations, maybe there's intensity, you know, noticing what's here. 12:26:44 And then reversing directions so always your choice, what you feel is best for your body right now. 12:27:02 And then slowing that down and coming back to standing with the arms down by the sides. And from here, starting to roll the neck. 12:27:13 Rotate the head in one direction and really feeling any sensations, you might even wish to pause. If there's tightness somewhere, and even start to with the fingertips start to give your shoulders and gentle massage if that's needed. 12:27:32 There's a point of tension or tightness or even just to see how that feels is kind of gentle support for the body towards yourself from you to you. 12:27:45 And then, as you're rolling the head. 12:27:51 Noticing sensations here, 12:27:54 changing directions. 12:28:11 Slowing that down and coming back into a resting posture into standing or sitting, checking in with the body standing entire length of the body. 12:28:25 The breath sense of the body in space, and if the eyes are closed opening the eyes and just taking a look around, around you in the room perhaps tuning into where you see a window where you see something pleasant something supportive in your environment,