12:31:05 Okay, record I think it's recording now. So welcome. Everybody I'm Jen, and welcome to our oisi session today. 12:31:14 Restorative reset. So again, just taking care of yourself, you know, before, during and after each practice reaching out, if you need anything. 12:31:24 And we're gonna go over some sounds, practices of irrest. 12:31:29 Now we've got to several weeks left, and we've talked about many of them. 12:31:33 Actually the noting, welcoming opposites. You might have recognized. 12:31:37 We've included that and a lot of our Irs practices. 12:31:41 We're gonna move on now to taking perspective. So being the witness, and then feeling as being witnessed. 12:31:49 So it relates a lot to. We've talked about it before the default network, the focusing network as well as the default network, you know, present centered network. 12:32:02 So we get to shift more into the self. Well, network versus wanting to be in this non-social present present centered network, which is what we're hoping to sort of play so when we're in the non self the present centered network defocusing network it, reduces the 12:32:24 meditators that awakens state. That's got lots of natural brain activity. 12:32:29 Instead, it induces more gamma brainwaves in the metadata. 12:32:36 So it's more of a thoughtless, more detailed. 12:32:38 We're consciousness being far away from the physical body. So. 12:32:41 And I feel like some of you had shared that. Maybe feeling that spaciousness or timelessness already. 12:32:48 Okay. 12:32:48 So you know, bringing in these feelings and equity you're all accessible. 12:32:52 Once we can get into this more gamma brainwaves. 12:32:57 And so we're gonna experience being the one the observer. 12:33:01 And then also being with so going back and forth, and maybe seeing what arises during that that time. 12:33:10 Okay. And if there's any questions afterwards, always feel free to reach out, I'm always happy to hear what your experiences are and to support you an invitation throughout the day or this week, it's intentionally practice taking perspective. 12:33:26 So as messengers or pointers, that we've talked about as believe thoughts. 12:33:34 Emotions are sensation, just feeling what it's like to be fused with them and be witnessed, and also feel what it's like to just observe and witness them. 12:33:43 So not fused, and then interweaving the inner resource and awareness of felt sense of being and well being throughout the practice so let's complete our time together with Iris. 12:33:55 What we see here. If any discomfort rises, just gonna stop the share here. 12:33:59 So just starting to settle in. 12:34:04 Whatever that looks like for you today. 12:34:09 Body, position itself, and movement or instillness. 12:34:16 Releasing into spaces or surfaces, just feeling fully supported. 12:34:28 Eyes, gazing, opening, or closing. 12:34:42 Maybe feeling ready to let go more and more. 12:34:51 If there's any residue of this morning, or the day, perhaps setting it aside, for now. 12:35:02 Imagine gently laying it down or placing it in a drawer. 12:35:13 Recognizing you can return to it later. 12:35:18 Perhaps more refreshed and ready. 12:35:32 Maybe this senses feeling free all around you. 12:35:43 Welcoming temperature. 12:35:50 Colors or light shadows. 12:36:01 Any residue of taste. 12:36:09 Any sense or fragrances. 12:36:16 Without needing to attach or detach. 12:36:26 If you could be 5 or 10% more at ease just along the body to make any final adjustments. 12:36:41 During Irest. 12:36:45 Might we meet everything as a messenger? 12:36:51 Hello in each perception to unfold completely, just as it is. 12:37:02 Reflecting upon your heart's deepest desire. 12:37:07 Longing or contribution purpose for this lifetime. 12:37:18 Your wine, the world! 12:37:26 Experiencing and affirming the felt sense of this. 12:37:35 Is already true at this very moment. 12:37:49 As you're ready, might you lay it aside, for now? 12:37:56 Welcomecoming. How it might reappear during this practice, or an everyday life. 12:38:11 Reflect that upon an intention. 12:38:18 You know why, for this moment or practice? 12:38:27 Supporting and realizing your heartfelt desire. 12:38:36 Whatever resonates for you. 12:38:45 Perhaps it's just to be. 12:38:50 Your true home. 12:38:54 Already complete and whole. 12:38:58 In every moment of life. 12:39:06 Feeling yourself, as being. 12:39:13 Remembering and fully welcoming this in attention, the whole body in mind. 12:39:30 Welcome in the resource. 12:39:37 Save haven or refuge. 12:39:44 Supporting you, and feeling safe and secure. 12:39:49 Okay. And it is. 12:39:54 At a moment's notice. 12:40:02 Perhaps connecting through imagery. 12:40:07 Enlivened by the 5 senses. 12:40:16 Perhaps a place in nature. 12:40:22 Wandering through a meadow. 12:40:29 Sunshine and blue skies. 12:40:37 Long green grass. 12:40:46 Tiny colorful flowers. 12:40:53 Sweet sense. 12:41:02 Refreshing breeze. 12:41:09 Swaying branches. 12:41:18 Or perhaps there's words connecting to this unchanging source. 12:41:26 Whatever we resonate for you. 12:41:31 Serenity. 12:41:37 Tranquility. 12:41:45 Inner peace. 12:41:53 And I felt sense in the body. 12:42:01 Perhaps a deep breath in the body. 12:42:12 And even if sounds come in and out of perception. 12:42:16 Not needing to fix or change anything. 12:42:25 Perhaps the felt sense of the inner resource emanating from the heart. 12:42:35 Or release in the muscles. 12:42:39 A jaw or shoulders. 12:42:46 Recognizing and affirming, you can return to the inter resource at any time. 12:42:53 During this irest practice, and in daily life. 12:43:00 Whenever you feel the need for being secure. 12:43:05 Safe! 12:43:08 And it is. 12:43:16 Allowing my words to be your words as attention flows through the body. 12:43:25 How about fixing or changing anything, feeling the way? 12:43:35 John Mouse. 12:43:42 No, and ears? 12:43:51 Diffusing through each eye. 12:44:01 Space between the eyebrows. 12:44:07 Forehead. 12:44:13 Back of the head. 12:44:19 The entire face and head as Sensation. 12:44:28 Following sensation down the arms, palms, and fingers. 12:44:39 Perceptions come in, just noticing, as they arise, expand. 12:44:47 And just a pain in their own time. 12:44:54 Following sensation through the torso and pelvis. 12:45:05 Along each leg, foot, and toe. 12:45:16 The entire head and body as Sensation. 12:45:23 Any sounds. Come in, and I'll just noticing, without needing to analyze or judge. 12:45:35 Just noting. 12:45:38 They rise and discipline their own time. 12:45:46 Fully trusting this direct experience. 12:45:53 Bye, bye! 12:45:57 Sensing the unified body. 12:46:04 The felt sense of the inner resource of being and well being. 12:46:18 Allow attention to float through the body. 12:46:22 The body breathing itself. 12:46:28 Abundant energy and sensation throughout the entire body. 12:46:40 And the felt sense of the inner resource of being. 12:46:43 And well-being with each breath. 12:46:51 Each changing sensation revealing something unchanging. 12:46:58 Oleness of being. 12:47:08 Might you welcome a messenger or pointer that might be calling your attention? 12:47:20 Perhaps a particular belief or thought. 12:47:28 Emotion. 12:47:33 Sensation. 12:47:39 Perhaps something manageable that's visiting today. 12:47:50 Where does it light up in the body? 12:47:59 Notice where and how you feel this in the body. 12:48:11 If helpful, interweaving the inner resource of calm okayness and ease. 12:48:27 And if nothing's present, just being with whatever is most calling your attention. 12:48:39 As you're ready, mighty step back and observe this messenger as if it were an object out in front of you. 12:48:57 As a witness or observer? Where does it light up in the body? 12:49:08 Noticing where and how you feel this in the body. 12:49:18 If helpful, interweaving the inner resource of calm. 12:49:23 Okayness and ease. 12:49:29 Any other perceptions are rising, just noticing. 12:49:34 Without needing to attach or detach. 12:49:43 No, as you're ready fuel. This messenger again a sensation in the body. 12:49:53 Being witnessed, observed, being fused with this messenger pointer to the degree that feels comfortable. 12:50:06 Noticeing where and how you feel this in the body. 12:50:22 And when it feels right, going back and forth several times. 12:50:30 Being witnessed, observed, or fused. 12:50:36 With this, or thought? 12:50:44 Emotion or sensation. This messenger. 12:50:54 And then witnessing or observing. This messenger is an object in front of you. 12:51:06 And if helpful, interweaving in a resource of being and well being. 12:51:13 Back and forth several times. 12:51:23 Being witnessed. 12:51:29 Feeling it in the body. 12:51:36 And then witnessing. 12:51:42 And feeling this in the body. 12:51:59 No, as you're ready. 12:52:03 Might you feel both at the same time? 12:52:09 Even if other perceptions come in just noticing, as they also arise and dissipate in their own time. 12:52:22 Feeling yourself as both being witnessed and witnessing the degree that feels comfortable for you. 12:52:34 Noticing this in the body. 12:52:38 Enough space to hold both. 12:52:42 Being witnessed, and witnessing. 12:52:51 If helpful, interweaving the inner resource of calm and ease. 12:52:58 Other sounds come into perception. 12:53:03 Not needing to fix or change. 12:53:11 Holding both at the same time being with and witnessing. 12:53:22 Just noticing this in the body. 12:53:35 At your own pace. 12:53:37 Perhaps turning away from what you're experiencing. 12:53:43 And feeling back, dissolving into being awareness. 12:53:49 The field in which this experience is arising. 12:53:54 Expanding. 12:53:57 And returning back to in its own time. 12:54:05 Feeling yourself as unchanging awareness. 12:54:11 Wholeness and pure being, but you also are. 12:54:18 And perhaps a feeling of joy appears independent of anything, and anyone. 12:54:27 Noticing how this, too, arises and dissipates in its own time. 12:54:38 Reflecting on this experience. 12:54:43 Welcomecoming, unchanging awareness and wholeness in which everything unfolds, expands, and dissipates in its own time. 12:54:59 Just taking your time now, as you transition back to waking life. 12:55:05 Welcoming any sounds, and inside or outside of the room. 12:55:13 Sensing the spaces and surfaces that have been supporting you. 12:55:19 Temperature. 12:55:23 Colors or light shadows. 12:55:31 And also the feeling of spaciousness. 12:55:39 Timelessness. 12:55:44 Connection. 12:55:50 Everything perfect, just as it is. 12:55:56 As you're ready, eyes open and closed several times to fully integrate the experience. 12:56:03 Body, finding movement, maybe wiggling toes and fingers stretching out wide. 12:56:12 Perhaps feeling refreshed and ready. 12:56:16 Moving back into everyday life, alert and grateful for this experience. Thank you. 12:56:22 Everybody. Thanks. So if you have to go, feel free to go, if you have to. 12:56:30 Otherwise we can stretch a little bit, or share if there's anything we can just stretch for just a little bit. 12:56:38 Just gonna do this one. This is the one I was thinking of. 12:56:41 I love this one, even done this in a while. If you wanna cross your leg. 12:56:44 Yeah, it can open up your hip. Flexors here. 12:56:48 So it feels okay, can bring the ankle just across the side. 12:56:52 Nice reminders, not on the knees, so just protect the knees on the by Yup, and as you're ready we're gonna bring this in and just do a twist in how to link this and it's a funny kind of position of me, and then I still start to twist towards that like each time 12:57:09 lengthening first, and then twisting towards that leg. Maybe hold on to the chair if you want to twist a little bit more in held links and exhale twist, invite the neck. 12:57:17 If that feels okay, just a couple of breaths here, it's really nice to get into twist brings us into the parasympathetic nervous system. 12:57:26 Another breath as you already exhale bring back to center. Let's do the other side, so just take care might feel different on the so again the ankle just passing the eye opening up the thy hand on the side. 12:57:37 Everything here. 12:57:40 Something you can do during the day couple breaths. 12:57:47 And as you're ready we're gonna do the same thing. 12:57:49 So, holding onto the leg, and then bringing in that twisting so you can hold on to the cherry. Start to twist towards that leg, and he'll lengthen first exhale twist inhale lengthen, exhale twist bring in the neck, if that feels okay, just a couple of 12:58:04 breaths here, always modifying or adjusting, as you need to. 12:58:09 Another breath! 12:58:13 And then exhale, and coming back to some center, beautiful! 12:58:17 Let's just release the legs. Just wave them side to side. 12:58:20 Just a moment, and then it's always nice to just kind of stretch it wide. 12:58:26 And maybe do the opposite. I'm really close. 12:58:32 Let me stretch up tall, too, and exhale side. 12:58:38 Thank you for coming everybody.