12:33:21 Right? Okay, like we got captions. And then so what's the next thing record 12:33:32 Let's see, I look okay, alright. Oh, well, maybe I'll just play bit of music, and then we'll show what we're doing and then we'll do grounding. 12:33:40 How's that? Does that work, too? But there, and welcome looking for? 12:33:46 Thank you for coming. I really appreciate it. It's nice to have company 12:33:56 Okay. 12:33:54 O 12:34:01 This is called intention. Cause we're gonna be work on letting go for our last one next week 12:34:03 No do. 12:34:11 And the and 12:34:19 The love, the 12:34:36 And I the 12:34:44 Little, and the hey. 12:34:56 And let down the here 12:35:05 Know 12:35:08 The. 12:35:09 Sounding. I just wanna make sure my Mike is okay, welcome. 12:35:14 Everybody online as well. Thank you for attending it's a little bit of grounding. 12:35:22 Oh, thanks for the heart. Okay. So maybe so. Nobody I want to find your angle. 12:35:34 The. 12:35:33 Anything that's typical for you. 12:35:42 Thank you. Anything 12:35:52 Honey. 12:35:48 It feels okay. And we know that sending the breath in into the belly and lengthening the exhale also. 12:35:57 Go back. System brings it in 12:36:03 Inhale. Excellent, sure. 12:36:10 Releasing the breast. First. Your natural breasts are just inhaling and exhaling, and then, as you're ready inhaling to one exhale 4, 3 2, one again inhale to one exhale 4, 3 2 1 one more time, inhale to one exhale 4, 12:36:36 3 to lease the hands here, if you like. Just notice if anything has changed or feels different in the body. If you need to add a few more breaths 12:36:50 Now maybe as we arrive we can start coming to a little bit of movement. 12:36:54 If that is okay, so, you can bring your hand across, holding onto the chair, inhale to lengthen. 12:36:59 We're just twisting through thoracic fine. 12:37:02 Okay. So just exhale, twist, then inhale again, exhale twisting again. 12:37:08 And if it feels okay, can twist more in the net, because well, looking behind you roll that shoulder open. 12:37:13 If you need to release a little bit. That's okay. 12:37:16 And again twist. I love all these things, they these are this is also very relaxing, so releases tension in the body. 12:37:22 Another breath. 12:37:25 As you're ready exhaling back to center and just feel that for a moment just noticing. 12:37:29 It's always good to practice taking a moment, and then just do the opposite, so bring the hand across the other side, inhale to lengthen, and then exhale, you twist through the thoracic spine again inhale lengthen exhale inviting the neck if that feels okay, and 12:37:43 Modifying as you need to just breathing here 12:37:48 Long spine engaging the belly, another breath 12:37:54 As you're ready, exhale back to center. Just take a moment and then, if you're ready, inhale the arms just reaching, lengthening the spine, I like to do the opposite, so going wide that feels good okay, and then we need to do cows, and cat so let's inhale length 12:38:13 It, opening up the chest it's really good for digestion. 12:38:17 Actually one of my friends was saying, I do chair Yoga for the parent council meetings, and she's like as good. 12:38:23 She's digesting really. Well, Linkedin, and if you want to add just a little bit of movement as you continue in your own breath, your own pace 12:38:37 Releasing the neck. If that feels okay. 12:38:41 And let's just invite the lateral extension. 12:38:43 So, if you interlace your hands, if you feel okay, you can press down through one foot, and then finding this long extension on one side of the flexion on the other. 12:38:51 Just breathe here, feeling to the body as you're ready inhale back to Central, to the other sites, or press into the other foot. 12:38:58 And then feeling this lateral extension aside, then on the other side, just breathe here 12:39:06 Go back. To center. Okay. How does that feel? I feel better? 12:39:11 Okay. Thank you: guys. So we're living with intention. 12:39:16 So I was reflecting about how you know the holidays are coming, and continuing with our idea of connecting and disconnection. 12:39:23 Let me just do this for a second 12:39:28 For some people it can be a time of actually disconnection. 12:39:31 So for some people who can't go back to their families during the holidays I mean I lived in South Korea. 12:39:36 So there were many, many, many Christmases that I didn't come back for. 12:39:39 But luckily I found a lot of other people who also couldn't go back, so it really made it possible. 12:39:46 Let me go to this slide first, actually and then maybe some people might have lost somebody. 12:39:53 Some loved loved ones during the holidays, so you know that could be also challenging for some people and then on the flip side, we've got people traveling back home so it can be a time of connection you know maybe reconnecting with loved ones. 12:40:08 Or even for yourself. If you start to slow down, maybe it can be a reconnection for yourself, although the opposite could be true, too. 12:40:15 If you're partying and like just busy, busy, busy, it could feel like disconnection. 12:40:19 So just noticing that. And I'm just wondering. 12:40:21 Did anybody get to practice formally or informally the sacred mirror? 12:40:25 Did anybody notice as they might have been holding space what we're probably practicing last week? 12:40:29 Did anybody see if anybody out here maybe just noticing for yourself taking a moment because you might have been without realizing holding space for someone just listening to them. 12:40:42 A family member or peer who might have been having a challenges, so even that is holding space. 12:40:48 It's like. Doing a mirror, and maybe for yourself too, if you took a moment to not judge yourself and just be with anything that was arising. 12:40:54 You're holding space for yourself, too. So and so I want to introduce this idea, because I was looking back at the number. 12:41:02 I was wondering. You know we do intentions a lot 3 times so I was trying to remember why we do that, and I know there's a lot of sacred belief behind numbers, and then I found this article about it's not a scientific article at all but it's an 12:41:16 Article about intention, and has anybody heard about the 3? 12:41:20 6 sign method: supposedly it's really popular, and Nicholas Tesla was really into these numbers, and he he just believed that it would manifest a lot. 12:41:30 So what they suggest is you can say an intention which we're gonna develop today. 12:41:37 3 times in the morning Lace. I'd write it down, I would say just say it 3 times. 12:41:42 You could say it 6 times throughout the day, and then 9 times at night. 12:41:47 So for me personally I don't know if I would do it intentionally like that, but I might just offer it like I should do my affirmations just throughout the day, repeating it 3 times for the first time and then just remembering it throughout the day with intention so and they and there 12:42:00 Was more information they were saying how, with the law of awareness, you know, wherever we put our intention, energy flows. 12:42:09 So I guess if you've saved that many times by having that right, that's a lot 18 times, maybe then yeah, you know. 12:42:16 And if you do that over the course of you know a long time you might reach, you know Malcolm Gladwell. 12:42:22 10,000 h, I think to do something right? And so yeah, they're saying 3 also is a number that's powerful in numerology connecting to the universe. 12:42:31 6, representing strength and harmony, and 9 representing letting go or rebirth, so you can consider that as you're playing with that and I brought actually little tags bye, bye, maybe you might wanna write it down as an intention, for the holidays you know with the 12:42:47 Idea of connection or disconnections. I don't know when I hang it on your Christmas tree. 12:43:01 And take one of those and at home. So even on a post to note, or you know on anything or on the computer, or if you want just taking note for yourself, an intention, so we're gonna work on building this intention so let me show the next slide 12:43:21 So this quote from Dr. Richard Miller, you know who's the Irs, the founder intentions are made up of both short and long term vows that help you harness your desire to achieve specific outcomes or goals so yeah, we'll build an intention today and see 12:43:37 maybe it'll be helpful and supportive over the holidays. 12:43:42 And so the practice is, you set an intention using a confidence that's easier for the brain to understand right? So just. 12:43:50 And then also bringing in the sensations right, the using your senses so making it really come alive for yourself. 12:43:59 So, for example, you could say, I maintain respectful and healthy boundaries with myself, and I maybe that's something that you need to do. 12:44:05 Or I observe the condition belief that I'm not good enough. 12:44:10 I notice and listen to pain arising in my back or in my body, or show up on time. 12:44:15 So, maybe just taking a moment, you know. Feeling your way. I'll put on some of the music so you can just take a moment and see what intention maybe emerges. 12:44:23 And remember you can change it if you need to right, like as you need to mob to moment, your intention might change. So just see what arises 12:44:35 Skip you guys like a minute. Now play this intention song. 12:44:38 So maybe we'll bring some inspiration 12:45:41 Actually I used to have a look 12:45:47 Information. 5 of them. Okay, just keep, you know. 12:45:57 Paying it over and over throughout the day. So that's what I did. 12:46:01 If if you see these intention books they're clicking documents 12:46:05 Especially 12:46:10 Just yeah, reading whatever it said. 12:46:16 A lot of people. It's rewired my brain that are going into our potential 12:46:23 Which is why a lot of those thoughts come 12:46:31 But then we know what our limitations are on. Our boundaries are. 12:46:34 So maybe we can say like, Be careful. You can still do whatever it is. 12:46:39 So holding onto the intention. Maybe 12:46:43 Bring it into our we do our eye rest. 12:46:49 Okay, so I'll invite you to just find your comfortable seat, whatever that looks like for you today. 12:46:57 And we'll come into our iris meditation 12:47:08 And then maybe you can bring in the intention you made. 12:47:11 Maybe, considering the numerology or the law of awareness 12:47:18 And just noticing. If you know you, you can bring in that intention even beyond this practice. Today. 12:47:25 So just starting to settle in whatever that looks like for you. 12:47:29 Eyes can be opened or closed. 12:47:39 I'm just leaving any residue of the day beside. 12:47:43 Maybe imagine putting away in a drawer or backpack 12:47:51 Recognizing that you can come back to any of these leftover tasks or residue 12:47:58 Maybe even feeling refreshed. 12:48:08 So more and more completely trusting the surfaces you're resting on 12:48:18 Welcoming the caress of air on the skin 12:48:25 Any sounds inside or outside of the room. 12:48:33 Can be any lingering tes. 12:48:42 Any familiar sense. 12:48:45 Without attach them, or detaching 12:48:51 Everything just naturally coming on its own 12:48:58 I'm just allowing the body to make any adjustments at all. 12:49:02 During this practice to feel completely at ease 12:49:10 During Irs. Might you welcome every messenger, every pointer, nothing turned away 12:49:23 Feel into the heartfelt desire. Why, in the world 12:49:30 Your longing or contribution. 12:49:37 Maybe for serving others, with your talents and gifts. 12:49:48 Maybe it's offering unconditional love 12:49:57 Just feeling with your whole body, whatever that heartfelt desires for you 12:50:07 As you're ready, maybe letting it go. I'm just noticing how it might appear later. 12:50:13 During this practice or daily life 12:50:24 Or call an intention 12:50:27 And why for this moment 12:50:32 Or maybe for the holiday season 12:50:38 One supporting you, fulfilling your heartfelt desire? 12:50:42 Your why in the world. 12:50:46 Maybe it's for maintaining respectful and healthy boundaries 12:50:54 Perhaps observing the condition belief that I'm not good enough 12:51:04 Maybe it's for noticing and listening to pain. 12:51:06 That's arising in the body. 12:51:14 Maybe just for showing up on time 12:51:23 Might it be even just to be with every moment of life 12:51:31 Just feeling that intention that you made your whole body mind. 12:51:36 That's true already 12:51:44 At your own pace, might you experience your inner resource? 12:51:48 Your unchanging source 12:51:52 Safe haven or refuge. 12:51:59 Can return to it at a moment's notice whenever you need to feel okay, or Eddie's peace 12:52:13 Maybe through imagery. 12:52:17 Enlivening it with all your senses. 12:52:24 Maybe walking through a forest 12:52:30 Different colors of the leaves. 12:52:35 Wrestling. 12:52:40 Smell of pine. 12:52:43 Cool air. 12:52:47 Some sunshine through the branches 12:52:56 Or maybe it's a memory 12:53:00 Being held or holding a left one 12:53:07 Heartbeat 12:53:10 Once. 12:53:14 Familiar sense. 12:53:21 Even if anything comes into perception, just notice, without needing to fix or change anything 12:53:30 Just noticing how it arises, and expense 12:53:37 And dissipates in its own time by back to where it came from. 12:53:45 Maybe there's words that leads you to this unchanging source. 12:53:52 Peace or okayness. 12:53:57 Serenity, tranquility. 12:54:03 And a felt sense 12:54:06 Maybe relaxation of the jaw 12:54:11 Shoulders. 12:54:14 Wrath in the entire body. 12:54:21 Just recognizing enough affirmative action back to this inner resource at any time 12:54:28 Whenever you feel the need to feel safe and secure, that is 12:54:42 As you're ready, maybe inviting my words to be your words as you allow attention to float through the body 12:54:52 Without needing to think or judge, just feeling your way 12:55:00 Since the entire face 12:55:06 The jaw 12:55:10 Both. 12:55:15 Ears. 12:55:19 Knows. 12:55:25 Eyes. 12:55:29 Forehead. 12:55:32 Scalp. 12:55:36 Back of the head 12:55:39 The entire face and head as sensation. 12:55:50 Attention on the body. 12:55:56 8 shoulder, arm 12:56:02 Hands and fingers. 12:56:11 Chest and belly 12:56:16 Entire back. 12:56:24 Feeling into the unified torso, arms, hands, and fingers, sensation 12:56:37 Attention, resting on the pelvis and hits 12:56:41 Glutes. 12:56:46 Floating down each leg. 12:56:51 Top of the foot. 12:56:57 Soul of the foot 12:57:00 Each toe. 12:57:10 Feeling the entire pelvis hips, glutes, legs, feet, and toes as vibrant sensation 12:57:22 And not eating, to fix or change anything 12:57:27 Neither attaching nor detaching. 12:57:30 Sounds coming in and drifting away all on the road 12:57:39 And the body breathing itself 12:57:44 Without any effort. Just noticing this cool air enters body 12:57:54 Deepens into the belly 12:57:59 And turns all on its own warmth, emanating from the nostrils 12:58:08 Just notice the breath coming in and out at your own pace. 12:58:19 Each changing sensation, revealing something unchanging 12:58:27 Pure being, unchanging awareness. 12:58:34 And just take a moment. Now maybe something's arising trying to catch your attention for just a moment 12:58:45 Maybe there's a message 12:58:49 Sensation. 12:58:53 Emotion, or thought. 12:58:59 I'm feeling your way 12:59:02 Not needing to analyze, or judge. 12:59:09 Just noticing where you feel in the body 12:59:20 As you're ready, maybe letting it go 12:59:26 Each changing sensation reveals something unchanging 12:59:33 Notice how the message arose and expanded, dissolved in its own time. 12:59:43 Just taking a moment for joy, uncaused joy. They might be arising all in its own 12:59:54 The feeling of absolute joy. That's not needing anything 13:00:03 Joy that arises and dissipates back to where it came from. 13:00:10 And unchanging awareness. 13:00:18 Imagine going about your everyday life, awareness awake and aware of itself 13:00:29 Sense in a firm, how in each moment 13:00:33 You always know the perfect and precise response to each situation in life 13:00:48 As we transition back into waking, live, just taking a few more moments to linger in this intention 13:00:56 It's been guiding you during this practice, and he'd be guiding you beyond 13:01:02 And feeling it in the hard space. 13:01:11 Just start to open the senses again. The spaces 13:01:16 Noticing sounds. 13:01:21 Feeling the surfaces. Your body's been resting in 13:01:26 All the while filling inner resource. This unchanging source that's always supporting you, and every moment place of ease or calm. 13:01:39 You can return to at a moment's notice 13:01:44 You're starting to invite the body to move or wiggle wiggling fingers and toes winding movement. 13:01:54 Maybe opening, closing the eyes several times to integrate this experience 13:02:01 Just grateful for this time in the practice of Irs 13:02:05 Thanks. Everybody. Yeah. So some of you have might see. Online I hope. 13:02:10 Yeah, next week. And I hope this intention maybe see how it manifest during today or later on.