12:21:44 Thanks. Okay. Record. Okay, welcome to ending the month together with restorative reset. 12:21:57 I'm Jen Barati. I'm grateful for everybody. Just taking the time to be here and share this session with us. 12:22:18 Okay, so hopefully you can see. The screen as always. 12:22:27 Just thanks always for taking care. 12:22:30 Following any medical advice for any wellness sessions. 12:22:37 And then reaching out for support. Through the OZI community or with me before after sessions. Reaching out to local community networks and especially left ones. 12:23:01 And then just a reminder here again about the restorative reset resource page that has all the different links including the, links to the recording so that you can keep practicing on your own beyond today and for the rest of the year even. 12:23:19 And they'll always be sharing the resources from our meetings and our sessions. And and also there's some information. 12:23:27 From Anne Douglas. She's one of our senior teachers, so she really delves deeply into the heartfelt desire as well. 12:23:33 And links. So when there's another seminar. Or another conference coming up, it's actually started and it's on until February, fourth. 12:23:42 So I'll keep sharing those as they come up. 12:23:46 And here's actually the original page on the IRS page. And there's lots of recordings here as well. 12:23:52 So there's so many resources you can tune in too. 12:24:00 And then before we get into the next practice, always want to put it out there if there's anything that anybody wants to share. 12:24:08 Know that you can always reach out. So supported by inner resource, this unchanging ease and okayness. 12:24:15 Let's continue to feel into this lifetimes question like we did last week. 12:24:23 So with being curious and inquiring into it. Feeling into what is my purpose, my mission. 12:24:32 Core value or Dharma North Star. What is my heart felt desire? What is my why in the world for this lifetime? 12:24:42 And so last time we started developing this statement around heartfelt desire. Visualizing feeling responding from the heart. 12:24:50 To questions around our patterns of service or are unique interests and skills. Or what others appreciate about us. Or what we'd happily do for free. 12:25:01 So for example, last time as we were discovering I shared about my why in the world and why devote time and energy to learning and teaching about yoga and mindfulness. 12:25:13 My heartfelt desire of welcoming and being welcomed. So related to today's practice surrounding negative opposites of heartfelt desire. 12:25:25 So just even thinking or saying these opposites, I really feel the tightness in my chest and I feel choked in my throat when I feel into the opposite, which naturally rose for me, which was. 12:25:38 Unwelcoming and being unwelcome. So this belt sense reinforces that the welcoming and service is my heartfelt desire in fact. 12:25:49 As sensations show up in the body. It brings clarity to what's most important. What keeps us on our path and helps us to meet challenges. 12:25:58 So during this practice, I'll guide you to feel opposites that might be arising. Always the degree that feels possible for you. 12:26:05 So giving some moments just to be whatever arises without judging or fixing. And just feeling into this pair of opposites. 12:26:13 Trying on each statement and just noticing how it feels in the body. And feeling free to interweave the inner resource at any time. 12:26:22 This feeling of ease and okayness that's always supporting us in the background that we've been working with through the fall season. 12:26:28 And of course it's acceptable if you're not sure yet. That's okay. So some examples of opposites could be if your heartfelt desire might be radiating love and joy. 12:26:40 Might be maybe concealing love and joy as a pair of opposite. Sharing creativity and openness. 12:26:46 Perhaps being unimaginative and close-minded. Serving compassionately. Maybe being uncaring and apathetic. 12:26:56 Sounds really hard to say those opposites. So the invitation during this practice, the rest of the day this week. 12:27:02 Until we meet again. Maybe inquire into pairs of opposites around heartfelt desire. Noticing what unfolds. 12:27:10 What lands and what feels perfect. And during the practice, feel free to also let everything, any words just float away. 12:27:18 Just staying with the felt sense in the body. You'll be guided by my voice. So feel free to find any comfortable position. 12:27:26 Maybe sitting, laying down, standing. Even moving in a spot. All possibilities are always welcomed. 12:27:34 Maybe asleep or resting or completely alert and awake. If there's any discomfort at all. 12:27:40 Feel free to gently open the eyes, maybe grounding the feet. Maybe allowing movement in the body. 12:27:48 So just always look after yourself. 12:27:51 As complete our time together with Eyerest, and a great of restoration. 12:27:58 Just taking a few moments here to settle in. Whatever comfortable position is arising naturally today. 12:28:07 You might even look around first. To orientate yourself into space. 12:28:15 And then when you're ready, maybe the eyes are gazing. That might remain open or maybe they start to close. 12:28:24 Trusting everything supporting you. 12:28:29 Really feeling the embrace of the surfaces and spaces all around. 12:28:35 Maybe even letting go a little bit more. 12:28:42 If there's any residue. This morning or of the day. This week. You might imagine tucking it away for a moment. 12:28:54 Just putting it away for now. Just no one can come back to it again later. Maybe feeling more refreshed and ready. 12:29:09 So just liberating the senses. 12:29:12 Allowing them to explore all around. 12:29:19 Maybe feelings and sensations of the body. Touching various textures or surfaces. 12:29:31 Maybe caressive air on the skin. 12:29:37 Any warmth. It's naturally flowing through the body. 12:29:46 Any hints of color or light or shadows. 12:29:57 Any sounds. Without needing to engage or disengage. 12:30:08 Let me notice and taste. 12:30:13 Any fragrances? 12:30:19 Hello the body to make any final adjustments to feel completely at ease and okay at this moment. 12:30:29 During irest. Might you greet every experience as messengers or pointers. Just as they are. 12:30:42 Welcome in the inner resource. 12:30:45 Save haven. 12:30:49 Or refuge. 12:30:52 And oasis. 12:30:57 Supporting you and feeling secure and safe. 12:31:02 Okay, and at ease. At a moment's notice. 12:31:12 Perhaps connecting through. 12:31:17 And live in by the 5 senses. 12:31:24 Maybe a place in nature. 12:31:30 An imagined place. 12:31:35 Or a memory. 12:31:45 Maybe imagining being in a calm forest. 12:31:53 Light through the trees. 12:32:01 Earthy sent. 12:32:07 Cool wind. 12:32:14 The gentle rustle of branches. 12:32:21 Nature sounds. 12:32:29 Or perhaps using the senses with a memory. 12:32:34 Being with loved ones. 12:32:40 Smiling. 12:32:44 Wandering along White Sandy Beach. 12:32:51 Wait, gently lapping along the shoreline. 12:32:59 Refreshing breeze. 12:33:05 Soty air. 12:33:10 Warmth of the sun. 12:33:16 Or perhaps words connect you to this unchanging source. 12:33:22 Peace. 12:33:25 Okay. 12:33:30 Well being. 12:33:35 Whatever words resonate for you. 12:33:41 And if there's no words. This 2 is a perfect experience. 12:33:51 In a felt sense in the body. 12:33:54 What do you feel the inner resource? 12:33:59 Perhaps there's a release of tension in the muscles. Throughout the body. 12:34:06 Maybe noticing the belly. 12:34:10 Releasing the shoulders. 12:34:14 The hinges of the jaw. 12:34:19 Maybe breath flowing more freely through the body. 12:34:27 Or maybe even a lack of certain sensation. 12:34:33 Complete release. 12:34:37 Spaciousness in the body. 12:34:43 If anything else comes into perception. 12:34:47 Just noticing with curiosity, without needing to change or. I'm going to analyze. Everything dissipating in its own time. 12:35:02 Recognizing a firm, you can return to this inner resource of ease and okayness at any time. 12:35:08 During this practice. And in everyday life. 12:35:15 Whenever you feel the need to feel secure or safe. Peaceful. Okay. 12:35:29 Reflect upon the heart's deepest desire. 12:35:34 Longing or contribution. 12:35:40 Purpose for this lifetime. 12:35:47 Why in the world? 12:35:56 Allow my words. Or just letting them float away. 12:36:04 Perhaps the heartfelt desires to radiate love and joy. 12:36:14 Might it be to share creativity and openness? 12:36:25 Maybe serving compassionately. 12:36:35 With all the senses. Enlivening this present. Tangible. Mission or purpose. 12:36:47 Why in the world? 12:36:51 Why for this lifetime? 12:37:00 Noticing any sensations emerging. The heartfelt desire. 12:37:14 Noticing how it manifests or reveals itself. The entire body in mind. 12:37:33 Never you need to interweaving the inner resource of ease and okayness. At any moment. 12:37:50 And if helpful, maybe discovering an opposite. To the heartfelt desire. 12:37:59 Without needing to analyze or judge. Welcoming this opposite as a sensation. 12:38:10 Your experience just as it is. 12:38:22 And if no opposites are emerging. 12:38:27 Simply being with what's most calling for your attention. 12:38:38 This too is a perfect experience. 12:38:50 If an opposite is present. 12:38:53 Why you allow it to emerge fully into awareness? 12:39:00 Where do you feel this in the body? 12:39:10 Interweaving the inner resource of ease and okayness at any time. 12:39:23 Perhaps welcoming and moving back and forth between the heartful desire. And it's opposite at your own natural pace. 12:39:39 And sensing how each manifests. Or reveals itself. On the entire body in mind. 12:39:58 And if it feels right. Bye, you recognize this pair of opposites together? At the same time. 12:40:07 Holding space for both. 12:40:16 Feeling the way. 12:40:22 Without needing to analyze or judge. 12:40:30 Feeling with the entire body in mind. As they rise themselves. 12:40:45 Recognizing at a moment's notice. You can always return to the inner resource. Safe haven. 12:40:52 Helping you feel okay and at ease. At any given moment. 12:41:09 Sensing all that you're now aware of. 12:41:13 Feeling back to pure being, which you also are. 12:41:23 Experiencing and affirming the felt sense of the heartfelt desire as true at this very moment. 12:41:35 As if you're living and expressing it with the entire body. 12:41:51 You're at your own pace. Aren't you laid aside for now? 12:41:57 Welcoming how the heartfelt desire might reappear during the practice. And in daily life. 12:42:09 You reflect upon an intention. 12:42:12 You're why for this moment or practice. 12:42:16 Supporting and realizing the heartfelt desire. 12:42:24 Perhaps an intention of welcoming what naturally flows from the heart. 12:42:38 Welcome, whatever feels right or resonates for you at this very moment. 12:42:48 Remembering and fully welcoming this intention. The whole body in mind. 12:43:06 As you're ready, maybe allowing my words to be your words. As attention floats around the body. 12:43:15 Without any need to shift or soften. 12:43:20 Feeling the entire way. 12:43:25 Attention resting on the face. 12:43:33 The jaw and mouth as sensation. 12:43:42 Dissolving through each nostril. 12:43:52 Following sensation through each ear. 12:44:03 Sensing the eyes. 12:44:09 Forehead. 12:44:14 Sensing the entire face and head. That's sensation 12:44:26 Following sensation throughout the body. 12:44:36 Unified face, head and body as sensation. 12:44:46 And the felt sense of the inner resource of being and well being. 12:44:57 Sensing the body breathing itself. 12:45:03 Abundance of energy flowing throughout the body. 12:45:10 Changing sensations revealing something unchanging. 12:45:16 Pure being, which you also are. 12:45:24 I like to take a moment here to notice if there's any messengers arising naturally. 12:45:31 Just feeling the way. 12:45:36 And if there's nothing, this too is a perfect experience. 12:45:43 Just saying whatever is most calling for attention. 12:45:49 Where do you feel it in the body? 12:45:57 Feeling the entire way. 12:46:03 And perhaps interweaving the inner resource of being and well-being. 12:46:19 As you're ready, just staying with whatever brings the greatest ease in okayness. 12:46:26 Letting everything else dissolve. Back to where it came from. 12:46:33 Back to unchanging awareness. Containing everything and everyone. 12:46:43 And then noticing of joy appears all on its own. 12:46:49 And feeling from the heart space. 12:46:53 Joy that's independent of anyone or anything. 12:47:04 Perhaps interweaving the felt sense of the inner resource. 12:47:15 Noticing how joy is also a changing sensation. 12:47:19 Revealing something unchanging. 12:47:24 Revealing pure being, which you also are. 12:47:30 Imagine going about everyday life. Awareness awake and aware of itself. 12:47:39 Sensing how in each moment. You always recognize the perfect and precise response. To each and every situation in life. 12:47:56 Welcome, unchanging awareness and wholeness. 12:48:03 Which everything unfolds. 12:48:06 Expands. And dissolves back in its own time. 12:48:14 Just taking time to transition back into waking life. Maybe feeling more refreshed and ready. There's a few more things left to do. 12:48:26 Welcome the census to explore once again. 12:48:32 Feeling in the embrace of the surface is supporting you. The space is all around. 12:48:39 Temperature of the room. 12:48:43 Any sounds. 12:48:49 Any colors or light shadows. 12:48:55 Any tastes or sense? 12:49:01 And then eyes gently opening and closing, integrating this experience into waking life. Body finding movement. 12:49:10 Toes and fingers wiggling. All the while stealing, staying with this welcoming of what naturally unfolds from the heart. 12:49:20 The felt sense of the inner resource of ease and okayness. 12:49:26 Feeling this unchanging awareness in which everything and everyone is arising. Okay. Just taking your time as you move back into everyday life. 12:49:37 Eyes wide awake. 12:49:40 Great for this time together and the practice of arrest. So let's bring in a little bit of movement as we're starting to wake up. 12:49:48 Maybe just with the little fingers moving. It's always important. Might even feel your toes. 12:49:54 Do the same thing with my fate, opening and closing the toes. Really important to keep them healthy. 12:50:02 How you can bring them together, draw them apart, feel nice pulling here. Just a couple times. 12:50:10 Maybe in the opposite direction. Feeling into those opposites. 12:50:17 Thank you so much. I'll see you next time. And feel free to reach out whenever you need to.