12:23:24 So welcome back to Restore to Reset. I'm Jen Barati and always grateful for your presence for creating, maintaining the safe container. 12:23:35 And then thanks always for taking care. 12:23:42 Just during the wellness sessions, always following medical advice. 12:24:03 And just knowing you can always reach out for support. There's so many resources through OZI. 12:24:10 You can reach me before after the practices. Also through your local community networks. And especially reaching out to loved ones. 12:24:24 Just a reminder about a restorative. And reset. Page that we can use. That I keep updating. 12:24:36 So this week we'll be talking about the solemn vow, the San Kelpa Review. 12:24:42 And there's a quote from one of the senior IRS teachers. Toyota. 12:24:50 You'll see that more as we talk more about the And just a reminder that the yoga conference is coming. 12:24:56 I'm actually volunteering Friday and Saturday this year. And you can also learn about IRS. 12:25:03 It's gonna be an IRS certified teacher there offering a practice for 6 h on Friday. And you can also just visit different, booths. 12:25:15 There's some free yoga as well in the center, or you can do paid training. 12:25:18 So, and there's one coming up, from this empowering education workshops and this time about physical activity and how it helps with self-regulation and with engagement. 12:25:30 So I encourage you to join in on that. It's during the spring break. 12:25:54 So before we get into this next. Practice or this review, if there's anything that anybody would like to share. 12:26:02 I always wanted to get that a moment. You can always reach out to me at Jen B. Yogi. 12:26:07 At gmail.com. So let's review the San Kalpa, the solemn vow. 12:26:13 We usually start the practice of IRS yoginetra meditation with the S. And I really feel like it's the starting point for life actually. 12:26:23 So we access the inner resource, this feeling of coming home. Like an oasis, like a refuge, like a safe haven. 12:26:31 You can access it at any moment in life. You feel it in the body? Maybe this feeling of feeling safe or secure, loved and at ease. 12:26:43 An okayness. And then noticing that felt sent to whatever it feels like in your body. Maybe it feels like a release of tension in the muscles or energy flowing throughout the body. 12:26:55 Or maybe warmth in the heart center. So whatever that is for you. Finding that inner resource that's always there supporting us, that unchanging okayness and ease. 12:27:07 And then this also might support us in discovering the heartfelt desire. So that longing or contribution or purpose that why for this lifetime, but life is asking of you. 12:27:20 And that brings in an intention. So a why for the moment or for the practice. That supports us in fulfilling this heartfelt desire. 12:27:29 And then coming back again and noticing in the body. Where you feel all of this like messengers. 12:27:35 So if there's tension or dis ease, that might signal that something isn't quite right. 12:27:42 Or if there's a feeling of spaciousness. And ease, maybe a release of tension, or maybe a lack of physical sensation. 12:27:51 That might signal that there's right action. That everything's perfectly and precisely unfolding as it should and it might support you as you meet challenges. 12:28:02 So during this practice I'll invite you to bring in these 3 parts of the San Kalpa, which we actually have been bringing in through our meditation, but we've been talking more about this last season. 12:28:14 And just always say the degree that feels possible for you. 12:28:20 And then we'll just see and feel and have some time to see what unfolds naturally. And it's totally acceptable if you haven't. 12:28:30 Sort of quite. Come to that. And the invitation during this week and the rest of the day. 12:28:38 And until we meet again. Is my 2 inquire into the solemn vow of St. Kalpa? 12:28:44 Little and often each day interweaving this ease and okayness with inner resource whenever you need to. 12:28:51 Or calling the heartfelt desire, your why in the world. 12:28:55 And then experiencing an intention, your why for that moment that supports your heartbeat desire. 12:29:02 And during the practice, feel free to invite any words I offer or just let them float away. And allow whatever else unfolds. 12:29:10 Always staying with that felt sense in the body. 12:29:20 So as always during the IRS, you'll need your meditation, you'll be guided by my voice. 12:29:26 Feel free to come into any comfortable position. It might be sitting, might be lying down, might be even be standing or moving today. 12:29:36 All possibilities are always welcomed. You might find yourself maybe falling asleep or resting. Or you might find yourself at moments alert and completely awake. 12:29:48 And if there's any discomfort at all, just feel free to take care of yourself. So that might mean opening and closing the eye several times, maybe looking around, grounding, grounding through the feet, maybe finding some gentle movement in the body. 12:30:03 So let's complete our time with Irest. 12:30:12 So just as you take a few moments now to just settle in. Whatever that looks like. 12:30:24 You might even look around you at first, just to orient yourself to this space. 12:30:38 And then with eyes opened or closed. 12:30:43 Maybe feeling a little freer to let go. 12:30:49 Maybe being able to trust supports. The spaces. 12:30:56 And just noticing that there's any residue left over from the day. Maybe you can set it aside for just this moment. 12:31:05 Imagine placing it in a drawer. 12:31:09 Or tucking it away. Playing it down. 12:31:16 I'll just recognize you come back to it later, maybe feeling more ready and refreshed. 12:31:31 And if anything else comes into perception. Not needing to fix or change anything. Just noticing how everything unfolds naturally. 12:31:42 Expands. And then dissipates naturally back to where it came from. 12:31:50 Maybe starting to welcoming the surfaces supporting you. Sensations of the body. Yeah, you're watching, touching these surfaces. 12:32:02 Feeling the textures 12:32:06 The temperature. Any places of warmth or. Noticing caressive air on the skin. 12:32:19 Be noticing any colors or light or shadows. 12:32:31 If there's any sounds. Without needing to attach or detach. 12:32:40 Just noticing the sounds without labeling. 12:32:48 Any residue of tastes? Or any fragrances in the air. 12:32:57 And if the body could make any final adjustments to feel completely at ease and okay. 12:33:06 Just a allowing it. Just settle in a little bit more. 12:33:14 And during irest? Might you greet every experience as a messenger or a pointer? Just as it is. 12:33:30 And welcoming in the inner resource. This feeling of coming home. 12:33:38 Like a refuge. 12:33:43 Safe haven. 12:33:46 Or in a the inner resource supporting you and feeling safe and secure. 12:33:55 Loved and at ease. 12:33:59 A feeling of okayness at a moment's notice. 12:34:07 Maybe connecting to gain a resource through imagery. And live in by the 5 senses. 12:34:16 It's maybe imagery of a familiar place. 12:34:21 Your place in nature. 12:34:27 And the imagery of a loved one. 12:34:32 Or connectivity. 12:34:37 Hello, my words in or letting them float away. 12:34:42 Feeling yourself hiking along a clear path. 12:34:48 Few people. Perhaps a cool wind. 12:34:54 The warmth of sunshine. 12:35:00 Sounds of branches underneath. Or leaves. The crunch of the ground. 12:35:14 Or perhaps there's words that bring you to your inner resource of ease and okayness at a moment's notice. 12:35:23 Maybe peace. 12:35:26 Quiet. 12:35:31 At ease. 12:35:35 Okay. 12:35:39 For well being. 12:35:44 Just inviting whatever words resonate for you. 12:35:47 And if there's no words, this too is a perfect experience. 12:35:53 Maybe just staying with the felt sense of the inner resource. 12:35:57 Might feel like a release of tension in the body. 12:36:02 Release of tension in the muscles. 12:36:07 The belly. The shoulders, IS, the chest. Release in the hinges of the jaw. 12:36:21 Happy breath, only freely throughout the body. 12:36:26 Or perhaps a lack of sensation. 12:36:30 A complete release. 12:36:34 Spaciousness in the body. 12:36:40 Recognizing and affirming you can return to the inner resource at any time. During this IRS practice. 12:36:46 And everyday life. Whenever you feel the need for feeling safe and secure. Okay, and at ease. 12:37:01 Reflect upon the heart's deepest desire. 12:37:05 Longing or contribution. 12:37:08 Purpose for this lifetime. 12:37:12 Why in the world? 12:37:17 Perhaps for radiating love and joy. 12:37:26 Maybe the heartfelt desires for sharing creativity. And openness. 12:37:34 Maybe for serving compassionately. 12:37:41 Experiencing and affirming the felt sense of the heartfelt desire as true at this very moment. 12:37:48 As if you're living and expressing it with the entire body. 12:37:56 And then as you're ready, might you laid aside? And just welcome how the heartfelt desire might reappear during this practice. 12:38:04 Or in daily life. 12:38:12 And then taking a moment to recall an intention. 12:38:17 Why? For this moment or for this practice? 12:38:22 An intention that supports you in realizing the heartfelt desire. 12:38:32 Just invite whatever words resonate for you. 12:38:37 Perhaps for feeling perfect and whole. 12:38:43 Or feeling spacious. And timeless. 12:38:51 Or perhaps feeling connected. 12:38:57 Remembering and fully welcoming this intention. The whole body in mind. 12:39:03 Okay. And interweaving the inner resource of unchanging ease and okayness. It's always supporting us in the background. 12:39:23 Just taking a moment here perhaps to allow my words to be your words. 12:39:29 As attention flows through the body. 12:39:36 Without needing to. Think or analyze. 12:39:43 Really just feeling your way. 12:39:48 Just attention resting. On the face. As sensation. 12:40:00 Maybe savoring the mouth. 12:40:06 The jaw. 12:40:10 Diffusing through each nostril as sensation. 12:40:19 Lingering in the outer anatomy of the ears. 12:40:28 Dissolving through each ear. Sensation. 12:40:38 Attention resting on the eyes. 12:40:46 Dissolving through each eye. 12:40:52 Attention resting on the forehead as sensation. 12:41:00 And sensing the whole back the head. Crown. And face. As unified sensation. 12:41:15 And following sensation through the body. 12:41:19 Just feeling your way, not needing to analyze anything. 12:41:26 Maybe attention dissolving along the whole backside of the body. 12:41:32 Feeling the points that maybe touch the ground. 12:41:37 Or whatever supporting you. 12:41:42 Perhaps attention. Dissolving through the whole front side of the body. Following sensation all the way down to the toes. 12:41:58 Noticing sensation, the whole sides of the body. Left and right. 12:42:08 The unified face and head. Body as sensation. 12:42:15 The felt sense of the inner resource of ease. No canes of being and well being. 12:42:25 And attention floating throughout the body. Breathing itself. 12:42:33 With each inhale the whole body filling. Abundance of energy. 12:42:40 With each exhale. Body empty. Energy flowing throughout the body. Surrounding the body. 12:42:51 Changing sensations revealing something unchanging. 12:42:56 Wholeness of being. Which you also are. 12:43:07 To the degree that feels possible. Might you notice if there's any messengers or any pointers unfolding naturally? 12:43:18 Any sensations? 12:43:22 Any emotions or thoughts unfolding. 12:43:27 Any memories or beliefs. 12:43:31 That are calling for your attention. 12:43:38 Needing to judge or analyze anything. Feeling the entire way. 12:43:48 Nothing's calling for attention. Just staying with whatever. Whatever is resonating, whatever is unfolding naturally. 12:43:58 This too is a perfect experience. 12:44:05 And then noticing where is this unfolding in the body. 12:44:13 Just feeling your way. 12:44:18 And maybe even interweaving the inner resource of ease and okayness. 12:44:30 And as you're ready, might you just stay with whatever brings the greatest ease in okayness. Letting everything else dissolve. 12:44:38 Back to where it came from. Back to unchanging awareness. Which contains everything in everyone. 12:44:48 Pure being, which you also are. 12:44:55 And then taking a moment to notice if any. Any feeling of joy rises in the body. 12:45:03 A joy that's independent of anyone or anything. 12:45:09 Feeling through the heart space. 12:45:16 And then interweaving this feeling of the inner resource. 12:45:24 Throughout the body. 12:45:30 Without needing to attach or detach to anything. 12:45:36 And noticing how joy is also a changing sensation. 12:45:42 Unfolding and expanding. And also dissipating back to where it came from. 12:45:53 I might you set aside the thinking mind. 12:45:57 Just welcoming the felt sense of pure being. 12:46:04 Welcoming unchanging awareness. 12:46:08 Even if other perceptions are arising. This also notice how they unfold. And they dissipate back to where they came from. 12:46:22 Noticing how unchanging awareness emerges. 12:46:27 And then melting away into the sensation of pure being. Melting away into unchanging awareness. 12:46:38 Attentive and aware. 12:46:43 Everything perfect, just as it is. 12:46:48 Imagine going about everyday life. Awareness awake and aware of itself. 12:46:55 Sensing and affirming how in each moment. 12:46:59 You are always able to recognize the perfect and precise response. To each and every situation unfolding in life. 12:47:10 And reflecting on this experience. 12:47:14 Like to welcome this unchanging awareness. Containing everything in everyone. 12:47:25 This is taking time to transition back into waking life. 12:47:31 Maybe with a feeling of being more refreshed and ready. 12:47:39 Liberating the senses again to explore all around you. 12:47:45 Since the surfaces that have been supporting you. 12:47:49 Space is all around. 12:47:53 Of color or light or shadows. 12:47:58 Opening up to sound. 12:48:05 Maybe notice in places of form. Places of coolness. 12:48:12 Taste. Make sense. 12:48:18 And then I as maybe opening and closing, integrating this experience into waking life. With body ready to make some gentle movements. 12:48:28 Toes and fingers, maybe wiggling. And all the while staying with this feeling of perfect and whole. 12:48:37 Spacious and timeless. 12:48:43 Feeling connected. 12:48:46 I felt sense of the inner resource of ease and okayness at any moment in life. 12:48:53 Feeling this unchanging awareness in which everything in everyone arises. 12:49:01 Just taking your time as you move back into waking life. 12:49:06 Eyes wide awake. Body wide awake. Right before this time together and the practice of So let's just take a moment maybe. 12:49:18 If you wanna just open wide. To see what natural movement the body wants to make. My legs are separated. 12:49:26 One feels nice to just. 12:49:28 Open wide if you don't. Maybe sitting in one position for a while. And then take a moment, maybe coming into small. 12:49:35 So doing the opposite. Maybe hugging everything, the legs, hitting each other, the arms. And that coming in and then maybe one more time opening up everything like opening up like the sun. 12:49:51 Okay, thank you so much. I look forward to seeing you next week and hopefully you'll be able to practice little and often this beautiful San Kalpa and maybe listen to the recording once again. 12:50:05 Take care.