The following dates are sorted chronologically. Deadlines are effective by the End-of-Business-Day, unless otherwise noted.
Use the Search Tool to filter the dates by category or to search by keyword.
For example, search for "drop course", "holidays", "OSAP", "exam", "graduation" or "appeal deadline".
Date | Description |
Wednesday March 22, 2023 | Course selection/enrolment for 2023 Summer session (both May-June and July-August terms) begins at 6:00 am via ACORN. Check the С»ÆÊéÊÓƵ schedule/timetable first as some courses have enrolment restrictions that do not appear on ACORN. Master of Teaching program students must take their elective during the May 1 to June 9 term. They will also be taking a Master of Teaching program course which will be pre-loaded on ACORN. The MT program course will run May 8th to June 13th. The July-August term courses will also be pre-loaded on ACORN. |
Friday March 31, 2023 | Non-degree special student application deadline for the May-June 2023 term |
Tuesday April 4, 2023 | ACORN Course enrolment for Summer Session (May-June and July-August) is not available April 4th (scheduled maintenance). Enrolment will reopen at 12:00 AM on April 5th. Students can add a course to their enrolment cart, but cannot take any other action: Students cannot Enrol, Drop, Modify, or Join a waiting list. |
Saturday April 15, 2023 | Deadline for receipt of fully completed and authorized Individual Reading and Research Course forms for May start. С»ÆÊéÊÓƵ graduate programs restrict the maximum number of IRR courses that a student can take; see the IRR form. |
Monday May 1, 2023 | Non-degree special student application deadline for the July-August 2023 term |
Wednesday May 3, 2023 | For May-June Courses
From May 4 to May 8 instructor signed and fully approved course add forms are required. |
Friday May 5, 2023 | Registration deadline for students registering or starting their program in the Summer (May to August) session; after this date, a late registration fee will be assessed. Minimum required payment due (unpaid fees from previous session[s] + 50% of Summer session tuition fees). |
Monday May 8, 2023 | Final date to enrol in May-to-June or May-to-August session courses via receipt of Instructor signed and fully approved course add forms |
Monday May 22, 2023 | Victoria Day (University closed) |
Friday May 26, 2023 | Final date to drop May-to-June F section courses without academic penalty. Courses can be dropped using ACORN |
Monday June 12, 2023 |
Spring (June) Convocation for С»ÆÊéÊÓƵ Degrees: Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Education, Master of Arts (С»ÆÊéÊÓƵ only; excluding CSE) Master of Education. . |
Thursday June 15, 2023 | Deadline for receipt of fully completed and authorized Individual Reading and Research Course forms for July start. С»ÆÊéÊÓƵ graduate programs restrict the maximum number of IRR courses that a student can take; see the IRR form. |
Friday June 16, 2023 | Spring (June) for С»ÆÊéÊÓƵ Degrees: Master of Teaching and Master of Arts in Child Study and Education |
Thursday June 22, 2023 | Intent to Graduate: С»ÆÊéÊÓƵ master's students expecting to finish all degree requirements in Summer should submit the С»ÆÊéÊÓƵ Intent to Graduate form between June 15 and July 15 (this year the form will open between June 22 and July 22). Students who complete in Summer, will graduate at Fall (November) Convocation. |
Monday June 26, 2023 | Final date to drop May-to-August session Y section courses without academic penalty |
Friday June 30, 2023 | U of T Presidential Day - University Closed |
Monday July 3, 2023 | Canada Day Observance (University closed) |
Tuesday July 4, 2023 | Lectures begin for the second term 2023 Summer Session, (July 4 to the week of August 14 - most courses meet twice a week for the 6 week session) Master of Teaching program courses which will be pre-loaded on ACORN will also begin the week of July 4th and end the week of August 14th. |
Wednesday July 5, 2023 | Course selection information for 2023 Fall and 2024 Winter available by noon today. Enrollment via ACORN for the fall and winter will begin at 6am on July 12th. |
Thursday July 6, 2023 |
from July 7 to July 10 instructor signed and fully approved course add forms are required |
Monday July 10, 2023 | Final date to enrol in July-to-August courses. Instructor signed and fully approved course add forms are required |
Wednesday July 12, 2023 | Coursework must be completed and grades submitted on eMarks for May-to-June F section courses |
Wednesday July 19, 2023 | Grades for May-to-June F section courses available for viewing by students on ACORN |
Friday July 28, 2023 | Final date to drop July-to-August S section courses without academic penalty via ACORN. |
Monday August 7, 2023 | Civic Holiday (University closed) |
Wednesday September 6, 2023 | Coursework must be completed and grades submitted for Summer session courses. Deadline for previous session courses which have an approved SDF on eMarks, must be amended with the final grade earned. |
Friday September 8, 2023 | Summer course departmental grade approval on eMarks |
Wednesday September 13, 2023 | Grades for all Summer session courses available for viewing by students on ACORN In addition, for those students graduating at November graduation: