The Centre for Educational Research on Languages and Literacies (CERLL) at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education is a hub for national and international research on issues of languages and literacies. CERLL activities and events are a collaboration between professors, Masters and PhD students, and scholars in our field.
Director of the Centre for Educational Research in Languages & Literacies
As head of the Centre for Educational Research on Languages & Literacies (CERLL), formerly known as the Modern Language Centre (MLC), I warmly welcome you to our website. CERLL focuses on language and literacy teaching and addresses a broad spectrum of theoretical and practical issues related to second, minority and majority language learning.
Since the establishment of the MLC in 1968, the quality and range of the Centre’s graduate studies programs, research and development projects, and dissemination services have brought it both national and international recognition. Our work focuses on curriculum, instruction, and policies for education in second, foreign, minority, and majority languages, particularly in reference to English and French in Canada but also other languages and settings — including studies of language learning, literacy, methodology and organization of classroom instruction, language education policies, student and program evaluation, teacher development, as well as issues related to bilingualism, multi/plurilingualism, and cultural diversity.

Team Members