Danielle Freitas

Dr. Danielle Freitas is a PhD graduate from the Language & Literacies Education (LLE) and the Collaborative International Development Education program.
Dr. Danielle Freitas is the Associate Dean of the English Language Institute (ELI) at Fanshawe College, where she oversees the EAP and TESL Programs. She is a member of many organizations and committees, including the TESL Ontario Colleges and Universities Committee, and has served as external reviewer and consultant for the accreditation of various undergraduate and gradudate programs in the public and private sectors.
Danielle’s latest research projects include an exploration of the teacher learning and development process of student teachers in a graduate program and an investigation of online cultural exchanges and their impact on student teachers’ learning and identity.
Supervisor: Dr. Antoinette Gagné
Achievements: Canadian Society for the Study of Education Doctoral Award recipient (2020). Ontario Graduate Scholarship recipient (2017-2018). Academic Excellence Award recipient (2017-2018)
Research interests
Danielle’s research interests lie in how student teachers learn to teach and develop as English language teachers, including the development of new aspects of their personality and teacher identity. Danielle’s research also focuses on Pluriligualism in the TESL/TESOL and ESL/EAP contexts and English language assessment.