The two-day symposium will be held in a hybrid mode (virtually and in-person) on the Campus of Western University. Each day will begin with virtual/in-person coffee and registration, followed by our plenaries. Afterward, we will have several (possibly parallel) sessions for paper and poster presentations. 

Call for Papers

Please read through our Call for Papers which includes important information about the symposium as well as details on how to submit an abstract.

In general, all abstracts (for presentations and posters) need to follow this guideline:


15 Words


300 words (for both papers and poster presentations)

  • Relevance to the topic of the symposium
  • Effectively grounded in relevant research, theory, practice and/or policy
  • Comprehensive design and analysis (i.e., research question, sources, methodology and analysis for an empirical study; currency of supporting literature for a conceptual piece or systematic literature review)
  • Quality of the proposal (as indication of a coherent, well prepared presentation)

You can find assessment criteria for abstracts on the last page of our Call for Papers.

Types of Presentations

As stated in our call for papers, we are looking for three types of presentations: 

Strand 1: Presentations and Plenary Sessions

This strand includes the two Plenary sessions and the presentation sessions. Three presentation sessions will be organized which will feature individual presentations related to the symposium theme.  Each presentation will be limited to 20 minutes (15 minutes presentation + 5 minutes discussion). According to the number of submissions that are received, there may be parallel sessions. While presentations about work-in-progress may be considered for acceptance, please note that presentations about completed research will be prioritized in this strand.

Strand 2: Roundtable Discussions

Recognizing that presenters might want to share their work at different stages of the research process (e.g., conceptualization, pre or mid-data collection, analysis), we encourage all presenters who have not yet completed their research project to apply for this new strand of the symposium. The roundtable discussion will feature multiple presenters. Each presenter will have 5 minutes to present, followed by 10 minutes of discussion at their table. Roundtable discussions are ideal for presenters who wish to receive suggestions and feedback from the audience for their on-going work.

Strand 3: Poster Sessions

Poster sessions will also be featuring at the symposium as this will encourage exchange and networking. Participants will be able to put up poster displays describing their work and projects and distribute relevant information during the event. Posters can outline projects that are either completed or still in-progress. Poster sessions will take place during the break (30 minutes) and presentation length will vary according to presenters’ and audience’s own pace. The poster sessions will allow close and personalized contact between the presenters and the audience.