Student Speaker Series

Doing Ethnography Back Home with Yecid Ortega

Indigenous language work, teaching, and distance learning with Ian McCallum

Reconciliation: A Commitment to Relationship with Heather Watts

Storytelling Method with Red Bear Robinson

A Comparative Inquiry into Religious and Secular Students with Pamelia Khaled

Centring Indigenous Conceptions of Land in Africa with Wambui Karanja

YPAR as Pedagogy for Advancing Indigenous Education with Kaitlind Peters

The Decolonial Potentialities Inherent in Dreaming with Kimberly Todd

The Complexity of Epistemic Racialization and Epistemic Oppression with Marie McLeod

Stretching the Temporal Margins with Daniela Bascuñán

The Rehabilitation of Systems-Involved Black Youth with Harriet Akanmori

Peace and Harmony through uBuntu with Joel Mukwedeya

Decolonizing Western Scientific Epistemes: Implications for Mathematics Education with Troy Shepherd

Thinking with 'Climate Coloniality' in the Classroom with Preeti Nayak

Colombian women’s use of needlework and the (re)making of zones of extraction with Diana Barrero

Harnessing Ubuntu: The impact of Reimagining African Women's Leadership with Rachael Kalaba