Past Events

Recent events and social movements have brought to the fore the significant ways in which science museums can reinvent and expand their roles and purposes. Many are beginning to recognize that science museums can no longer serve as mere repositories for objects or sites for transmitting facts 鈥 they must also become spaces for conversations and actions that are inclusive, critical, and socially responsible.

There has been a lot of talk about how the COVID-19 pandemic has influenced educational curricula and pedagogies around the world.

NEXUS Lounge We constantly hear about the shrinkage in full time faculty positions at universities across the country. In addition, we are told that teacher supply has not yet exceeded demand. So, what kind of career path can a person who is well qualified in science, mathematics or technology education envisage or pursue?

NEXUS Lounge Over the last decade or so, the STEM acronym has gained momentum as a hot new term in educational and public spheres in Canada.

For some commentators, the new information technologies provide an unprecedented opportunity to revolutionize an education system that has been stuck with an industrial model of delivery for more than a century. The proliferation of hand held devices and social media platforms make possible exciting new pedagogies such as asynchronous delivery, flipped classrooms, wiki type knowledge building, and social data sharing. It is claimed that the new technologies will enable more flexible, integrated, relevant and responsive classrooms.

The STEM Movement - Golden Opportunity, or Trojan Horse?: The past several years have seen a surge of activity in education around STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics).

What is Optimum Knowledge for Teaching Science and Mathematics?: This forum explores the question of what K-12 teachers need to know in order to teach mathematics and science well.

If MOOCs are the answer, what is the question?: While the popularity of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) seems to be increasing rapidly, this new form of course delivery raises many important issues, including questions about pedagogy, the future of the professoriate, standards, credentialing, funding, and the corporatism of higher education.

How Does Culture Matter in Mathematics?

What is the Place of Activism in the Science Curriculum?