
Leadership Vibes is a publication of the Centre for Leadership & Diversity (CLD), which features articles written by researchers, scholars, students, community activists on issues of leadership, broadly defined. The publication serves as a platform to advance debate on issues of diversity, equity, social justice, democracy, and anti-oppression education and the role that leadership plays.

We thank authors for their contributions to previous issues. If you would like to contribute to future issues of Leadership Vibes and want to get information about how to publish in Leadership Vibes, please do not hesitate to contact one of our team members at oise.cld@utoronto.ca.

Latest Publications

Volume 2 - Issue 2 (May, 2024)

Featured Articles
  • Accepting Diversity to Build Inclusive Learning Communities in Higher Education Classrooms as Living Laboratory: Leadership Role
    • Dr. Tayyibah Roohi, Assistant Professor (visiting), University of Education, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Cultural imperialism in Schooling System: The case of Vietnamese Ethnic Minority Students
    • Tien Pham, Doctoral Student, Educational Leadership & Policy Program, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
  • Strategic Leadership for the Caribbean Organisation Effectiveness: Towards a Framework for Culturally Sensitive Leadership Practices
    • Cynanie Sawyers-Haylett, PhD Candidate, University of the West Indies, Mona
  • Parenthood and Post-Secondary Priorities: Access Denied
    • Shanique Walker, MEd
  • Looking forward, Stepping Backwards: Bill 21 and its Implications for Muslim women in Educational Spaces
    • Anila Zainub, PhD
  • An open letter to Premier Moe of Saskatchewan
    • Marvin Zuker, Professor, Department of Leadership, Higher & Adult Education, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
  • Colorado’s Suspension Rates for Students with Disabilities
    • James Ringer, EdD

Past Publications

Featured Articles
  • Research as Activism: Disrupting the Binary of the Researcher and the Researched
    • By Dr. Ardavan Eizadirad, Assistant Professor, Wilfrid Laurier University
  • Challenging the Status Quo: Diversifying the Principalship in Ontario Public Schools
    • By Dr. Zuhra E. Abawi, Assistant Professor, Niagara University
  • Human Rights and Anti-Oppressive Frameworks: How They Diverge and Converge to Address Racism in Schools, and the Transformational Role of Educational Leaders
    • By Shezadi Kushal, Doctoral Candidate, Educational Leadership & Policy Program, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
  • Muslim Women's Leadership: Theory and Praxis
    • By Dr. Fell Lahmar, Research Fellow, The Open University
  • Anti-Asian Racism, Student Advocacy and Student Leadership
    • By Jasmine Pham, Doctoral Student, Education Leadership & Policy Program, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
Featured Articles
  • Race-related Trauma: Supporting Black Students Post-pandemic Return to School
    • By Dr. Beverly-Jean Daniel Assistant Professor, Ryerson University School of Child and Youth Care
  • Socially Just, Decolonizing Leadership and the Importance of Community: A Reflection
    • By Dr. Ann E. Lopez, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, Department of Leadership, Higher & Adult Education
  • Toronto District School Board to expunge suspension records: Can justice wait?
    • By Marvin Zuker, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, Department of Leadership, Higher & Adult Education
  • Leaders Making a Difference
    • By Dr. Monday Gala, Principal, Westview Centennial Secondary School, Toronto District School Board
  • Let's Take С»ÆÊéÊÓƵ Ramadan
    • By Fatema Hossain, Léa Nsouli and Entisar Yusuf, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, Department of Leadership, Higher & Adult Education
Featured Articles
  • Investing in Diversity: Global Majority, Decolonizing Language and Reframing Conversation С»ÆÊéÊÓƵ Race
    • By Rosemary Campbell-Stephens
  • Rising Parents: A Journey of Parent Activism Against Systemic Racism
    • By Dr. Vidya Shah, Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Education, York University, and Diana Grimaldos, York University
  • Brown Complicity in White Supremacy: The Model Minority Myth, Anti-Black Racism and Implications for Decolonizing Educational Leadership
    • By Harveen Singh, Assistant Professor, College of Education, United Arab Emirates
  • Significance of Studying Intersectional Group
    • By Fatema Hossain, Doctoral Candidate, Educational Leadership & Policy Program, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, Department of Leadership, Higher & Adult Education
  • Navigating Campus Climate and Campus Spaces as a Black Student
    • By Entisar Yusuf, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto


Book Review
  • Culturally Responsive and Socially Just Leadership: From Theory to Action
    • By Azima Thakor, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto


Self Care Tips
  • By Rebekah Lowe and Shingruf Chughtai
Featured Articles
  • Leadership from the Margins: Black Canadian Women Voices As if it Matters 
    • By Professor Njoki Wane, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, Department of Social Justice Education
  • Changing the System From Within: Strategies for Principals to Make Their Schools and Institutions More Socially Just
    • By Professor Stephanie Tuters, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, Department of Leadership, Higher & Adult Education, and Professor Zhura Abawi, Niagara University, Ontario
  • Leaders Making a Difference. 
    • Principal Berto, Downsview Secondary, Toronto District School Board, shares his leadership journey and commitment to social justice leadership. 
  • Great resources and more.