Jeff Stickney
Jeff has been active in educational unions since his days as a TA at UTM (1979-82), first with CUEW and then for many years in OSSTF as a secondary school teacher. He is currently CUPE Unit 3 Rep for the Joint Health & Safety Committee, agreeing that someone should do it during a pandemic.
After being Branch President of the largest high school in YRDSB during the two-week protest/strike action in 1997 he was asked to represent secondary teachers in the healing process in the Board’s New Directions initiative (1999), in which he became the Team Leader for the Universality & Diversity Strategic Arena. In the early 2000s this regional committee worked with administrators in better coming to understand and address homophobia and anti-Black racism. He later represented YRDSB secondary teachers in the implementation process for the revised Teacher Performance Appraisal process.
Preferring to stay in the classroom, he also started teaching part time at СƵ in 2006 and decided to focus his work in the academic realm. Although СƵ does not have the robust Philosophy of Education Department it had when he did his doctorate here, he is proud to represent СƵ/UT at international conferences and to continue infusing his own teaching with a philosophy of education focus, including more recent work on environmental education.
Jeff severed on two doctoral committees an helped supervise the candidates in writing their dissertations: one on Foucault at СƵ (2013), and one on Wittgenstein at York (2018). He reviews for seven journals and for the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain annual conference. As an editor he has been helping emerging scholars to publish alongside renowned authors.
Academic Positions
LecturerUniversity of Toronto/СƵ, CTL, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Sep 2006 - Present
Scholarly & Creative Works
Wittgenstein’s Language-games of Education: Reading higher and lower registers of ‘learning’ in On Certainty2023, Wittgenstein and Education: Not Sparing Others the Trouble of Thinking. Oxford: Wiley. From my keynote address at the joint British Wittgenstein Society & Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain conference at University College London (July, 2018Jeff Stickney
Pedagogies of Place: Conserving forms of place-based environmental education during a pandemic2023, Ethics and Education.Jeff Stickney
2022, Education JournalJeff Stickney
2022, Educational Philosophy and Theory.Jeff Stickney
Ways of Performing and Regarding Practices of Silence in Classrooms: Reflections with Wittgenstein and Foucault2021, Moral Education and the Ethics of Self-Cultivation Chinese and Western Perspectives (Eds) Michael A. Peters, Tina Besley, and Huajun ZhangJeff Stickney
2020, Wittgenstein and Education,Jeff Stickney
2020, Journal of Philosophy of EducationJeff Stickney
Philosophical walks as place-based environmental education0202, Journal of Philosophy of EducationJeff Stickney
2020, Journal of Philosophy of EducationJeff Stickney and Arian Skillbeck
Emplaced Transcendence” as Ecologizing Education in Michael Bonnett’s Environmental Philosophy2020, the Journal of Philosophy of EducationJeff Stickney
“Mother-trees” and Teachers: Connecting My Daughter’s Environmental Education with Diana Beresford-Kroeger’s Enduring Wisdom2020, the Journal of Philosophy of EducationJeff Sticknet, Simon Heath and Diana Beresford-Kroeger
Educating teachers and fostering authentic professional learning in an era of austerity, global competition and quality assurance rhetoric2019, Beijing International Review of EducationJeff Stickney
“Teacher ‘training’ under three philosophical lenses: The Analytic School of Philosophy of Education, Wittgenstein, and Foucault.”Encyclopedia of Teacher Education (Michael A. Peters, Ed.)Jeff Stickney
Philosophy of Education 1945-2010 and the ‘Education of Reason’: Post-foundational approaches through Dewey, Wittgenstein, and Foucault.”2019, Cambridge History of PhilosophyJeff Stickney, Michael A. Peters
“Wittgenstein at Cambridge: Philosophy as a way of life.”2019, Educational Philosophy and TheoryJeff Stickney, Michael A. Peters
Wittgenstein’s Education: “A Picture Held Us Captive.”2018, Springer Brief Series on Key Thinkers in EducationJeff Stickney, Michael A. Peters
Wittgenstein on Judging the Soundness of Curriculum Reforms: Investigating the case of the Junior Undiscovered Math Prodigies program.2017, A Companion to Wittgenstein on Education: Pedagogical InvestigationsJeff Stickney, Michael A. Peters
Mapping the Terrain of Political Theory in Education2016, Educational Philosophy and Theory Encyclopedia (Springer).Jeff Stickney
Wittgenstein as Educator.2016, Educational Philosophy and Theory Encyclopedia (Springer)Jeff Stickney, Nicholas Burbules
System alignment and consensus discourse in reforms: School Effectiveness Frameworks and Instructional Rounds. Philosophical responses from Oakeshott, Mouffe and Rancière."2015, nternational Journal of Leadership in EducationJeff Stickney
Aesthetic Judgment in Dance."2014, Liber amicorum: A Philosophical Conversation among FriendsJeff Stickney
Philosophical Fellowship: An Interview with Michael Peters and Nicholas Burbules2014, Liber amicorum: A Philosophical Conversation among FriendsJeff Stickney
Wittgenstein for Adolescents? Post-foundational Epistemology in High School Philosophy2014, Ethics and EducationJeff Stickney
A paradox of freedom in “becoming oneself through learning”: Foucault’s response to his educators."2013, Ethics and EducationJeff Stickney
Judging teachers: Foucault, governance and agency during education reforms2012, Educational Philosophy and TheoryJeff Stickney
Philosophy. Thinkers, Theories & Questions2012, McGraw-Hill RyersonJeff Stickney
Philosophy. Thinkers, Theories & Questions.2011, McGraw-Hill RyersonJeff Stickney
Reconciling Forms of Asian Humility with Assessment Practices and Character Education Programs in North America,”2010, Ethics and EducationJeff Stickney
Casting teachers into education reforms and regimes of inspection: resistance to normalization through self-governance2009, Governmentality Studies in Education, ed. Michael Peters, et alJeff Stickney
Wittgenstein’s contextualist approach to judging 'sound' teaching: Escaping enthrallment in criteria-based assessments2009, Educational TheoryJeff Stickney
Training and mastery of techniques in Wittgenstein’s later philosophy: A response to Michael Luntley2008, Educational Philosophy and TheoryJeff Stickney
Wittgenstein’s ‘Relativity'”: agreement in forms of life and training in language-games2008, Special Edition on WittgensteinJeff Stickney
Review of Mark Olssen’s book, Michel Foucault: Materialism and Education2007, PaideusisJeff Stickney
Deconstructing Discourses about ‘New Paradigms of Teaching’: A Foucaultian and Wittgensteinian perspective2006, Special Edition on Teaching, Educational Philosophy and TheoryJeff Stickney
Teaching and learning in Wittgenstein’s philosophic method2005, Philosophy of EducationJeff Stickney
Research Interests
· Philosophy of Education
· Ludwig Wittgenstein
· Michel Foucault
· Environmental Education
· Place-based and arts-based learning
· Land-based education
· Political Philosophy
· Teacher supervision and autonomy
· Professional development
· Social justice, co-ops, and community building
· Local history
Teaching Interests
In the MT program Jeff teaches
· Sustainability Education (CTL7070H); and,
· I/S Social Sciences (CYL7027Y) in the MT Program.
He recently published a paper in the Brock Education journal on creating the Sustainability course.
Embedding Environmental Sustainability Education in a Master of Teaching Program: Reflections on Improvisation and Learning-by-Doing at СƵ, University of Toronto
A journal of educational research and practice
2022 Vol. 31 (2) 85−108
He has taught a couple CLT courses in Curriculum & Pedagogy:
· Foundations of Wellness Through a Phenomenology of Practice (CTL1121H), and,
· Education for Human Goals Local and Global: How's Science Education Helping? (CTL1221H)
Jeff also taught graduate level Philosophy of Education in the former Theory & Policy Studies Department:
· Introduction to Philosophy of Education (3 years)
· Troubling Knowledges (2 years)
· Character Education: Its Proponents and Critics
· The School in its Cultural Setting (Leadership Department)
In the former BEd program at СƵ he taught Sr, Philosophy and Concurrent I/S Geography. He was senior author and consultant on the Grade 12 Philosophy textbook (McGraw-Hill Ryerson, now Nelson, 2011) and taught the Philosophy ABQ course at СƵ in Continuing Education.
Prior to teaching at СƵ he taught in YRDSB for thirty years: Astronomy,Geography, English, Philosophy, Theory of Knowledge.