2023 С»ÆÊéÊÓƵ Graduate Student Research Conference

Bridging the Divides
Transformation Through, By and For Education
Education has long been viewed as a key player in solving society’s cornucopia of problems. Yet, while education can empower us to improve ourselves, the lives of others, and our communities, we cannot ignore the role(s) education has played, in Canada and around the world, in sustaining and creating systems calibrated for injustice, violence, and other real-life calamities.
Our vision for this year’s conference is to reflect on the ways through which education can create meaningful change within and without itself, on its own and in partnership, not just through the production of knowledge but through action.
This year’s theme thus invites researchers, graduate students, practitioners, and artists alike to consider and imagine possibilities and solutions to various divides such as – theory & practice, innovation & tradition, community & institutional, local & global, North & South, East & West.
Questions for Consideration:
What role(s) should (does) education play in today’s society?
What role(s) should (does) education play in affecting positive social change & transformation?
How can education work collaboratively with different institutions, sectors, and organisations to look for innovative approaches to address injustices?
How can education work collaboratively with communities and community leaders to look for innovative approaches to address injustices?
How can education respond to injustice, inequity, and violence?
How can education better bridge research, theory, and practice?
How can education encourage individuals and groups across the socio-political, economic, and cultural spectrums to mobilise for positive social change and transformation?
How can education meet the needs and concerns of different stakeholders within education and outside of education?
How can education work with Indigenous, racialized, and other oppressed groups to support their needs and success within classrooms, communities, research, and the broader educational field?
We enthusiastically invite you to contribute to GSRC 2023 by sharing your latest research, professional experience, and transformative ideas on improving education and education divides for a better world!