Rebecca Hughes
Department of Curriculum, Teaching & Learning
Curriculum and Pedagogy
Contact info
Email: rebecca.hughes@utoronto.ca
Dr. Hughes’ current research is focused on critical media literacy and gender studies. In her present work teaching literacy and technology (CTL7000, CTL7016), Dr. Hughes leads students in a critical examination of issues in literacy, including the role of media in challenging gender inequity. Her critical arts-based research course (CTL1099) draws on her cross-disciplinary doctoral research that utilized institutional ethnography (IE) as a method of inquiry to examine homeless individuals' unique health care challenges and barriers to medical and behavioural health care (primary care, substance use, mental health).
Scholarly & Creative Works
2023, Beyond Media Literacy. (L. Grabbe, A. McLuhan, & T. Held Eds.)Hughes, R.
2022, Are the kids alright? The impact of the pandemic on children and their families. (L. Rose Ennis, Ed.)Vandenbeld Giles, M., Hughes, R.
2021, Gender and EducationHughes, R.
2019, Routledge Motherhood Companion. (L. O'Brien Hallstein, A. O'Reilly, M. Vandenbeld Giles, Eds.)R. Hughes
Citizen documentary: A method to document and mobilize social justice research2019, Critical issues in education: Citizen Documentary in the Digital Age. (Cooper, K., Hughes, R., Eds.)Hughes, R.
A review and analysis of STEM education: A report for the Ontario Ministry of Education2018, Centre for Science, Math and Technology Education, Ontario Institute for Studies in EducationDubek, M., Reid, M., Hughes, R., Ibrahim Khan, S., Phillips, C., & Wilton, L.
2016, International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course DesignCooper, K., Hughes, R., & Shamji, A.
Methodology In Action: Institutional Ethnography2015, Five Research Contexts for Understanding Interpretive and Critical Inquiry. (K. Cooper Ed)Hughes, R.
2015, Qualitative Health ResearchCooper, K. & Hughes, R.
2014, Qualitative Health ResearchHughes, R.
2014, Health Care AnalysisHughes, R.